I just across this Q&A in a website. It says that; I have an question to ask. I am a Catholic girl who is in love with a Muslim guy. He is a very open minded person. He is a very loving & caring person. I really love him very much, in fact we love each other a lot. Now, here is my question. Can I marry him by just solemnizing our marriage the Muslim way without me converting to a Muslim nor he converting to Catholicism? After which we would register our marriage at the ROM.
We will both remain as what we are and lead life the normal life. I don't see why I must give up my religion in order to marry him when he is not giving is up.
In actual fact my boyfriend doesn't insist that I should convert to marry him but the family does. So I told him that I think we should decide for ourselves. Please help find a solution, thanks.
Then the answer is: Yes, you can marry without changing your religion, because the holy Qur'an expressly and specifically permits the marriage of a Muslim man to a woman of the Ahl-e-Kitab (people of the Scriptures). The Ahl-e-Kitab is interpreted to mean people of the Jewish or Christian faith. After marriage, it is binding upon the Muslim husband to permit his Christian or Jewish wife to practise her own religion without any hindrance from him whatsoever. On the other hand, the holy Qur'an expressly forbids a Muslim woman from marriage to a non-Muslim man (even if he belongs to the people of Scriptures -- e.g. Christians or Jews).
Generally speaking, the son's parents often prefer to have a Muslim daughter-in-law, mainly for cultural and social considerations -- but not because of religious requirements. This is similar to the practise of parents encouraging their children to marry people with similar racial, linquistic, and social status (such as wealth, nobility, profession, beauty, skin colour and so on). What really matters however, is the good moral character and compatibility of the couple.
Two adults who are able to make their own decisions may do so freely when it comes to choosing a marriage partner, and if they can, they might also try to accommodate the parent's wishes if possible. If it is not possible, then that is too bad. Marriage in Islam is a civil contract made between two consenting parties out of their own free will.
In Canada, a person who is authorized to solemnize marriage under Canadian law, can also perform the Nikah (Muslim Marriage ceremony) at the same time and register with the Registrar of Marriages. Check the law for your own country for this purpose. Muslim marriage (Nikah) is required in accordance with the Muslim law and it is a legal requirement even if the bride is Christian or Jewish.
*In my opinion, when a couple fall in love no matter they are from what races, they should deserve a perfect marriage. Actually, i think that all rules should be ignore and let the fated couple be together and have their own life!
How are you now? I hope you are in a good condition. Today, I want to share with you about my article that discuss about ‘What Causes Headache?’.
Headaches can happen for many reasons. We may have eyestrain from spending too much time on our laptop, we could have an inflammation of our sinus cavities or it could be a life-threatening condition like a tumor, brain cancer, or encephalitis. We can also get a headache if we’re hungry.
More than likely it’s simply a tension headache. Tension headaches are caused by tightening in the muscles in shoulders, neck, scalp and jaw. I’ll bet you didn’t realize that you had muscles in your scalp, much less that they could contract. These are tension headaches. The contractions of these muscles are often due to stress, depression or anxiety. If you’re working too much, not getting enough rest, not eating properly or using alcohol or drugs you’re probably more prone to getting tension headaches. Migraines and cluster headaches appear to be related to swelling of blood vessels. The pain comes from the blood vessel walls, membrane coverings of the brain and the muscles in the scalp and neck. Your brain itself actually cannot feel pain. Inflammation of your sinuses is also a common cause of headaches.
In your quest to determine the cause of your headaches, it’s a good idea to keep a headache journal. Get a little notebook and write down every time you get a headache. What did you eat before it happened? What activities were you engaged in? Did your vision change? Did you become sensitive to light? You’ll be able to see patterns of what may bring on your pain, like stress, food triggers, medications, and menstrual cycles. Foods that have been found to trigger certain headaches are chocolate, cheese and MSG (monosodium glutamate). For your information, actually MSG is found in mee maggi.
Your tension headache can be caused by engaging in an activity that requires you to keep your head in the same position for an extended period of time like using a computer or a microscope or any other repetitive action. It could also be caused by sleeping in an odd position, clenching your jaw, grinding your teeth while asleep or sleeping in a cold room.
Once we know what causes our headaches, we’re more likely to be able to avoid them in the future.
Assalamualaikum and a very good evening to every one…..
Here, I would like to share with every one about the easy ways to handle stress.One of the most singificant problems human beings face as a general population is how to handle stress. As a life & career expert, and an acclaimed advice columnist, I have compiled eleven of the most significant ways that you can reduce stress in your life. You may not always be able to make stress dissappear, but you can manage it with some very simple techniques.
1. Talk! Don't hold all your feelings within! Discuss your stressful feelings with someone you trust who will listen without being judgmental or pressuring you to their own point of view.
2. ACT! Be willing to take risk and make change, no matter how small. Try to change the stressful situation, or at least some part of it.
3. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! If you learn about how your body reacts to stress, you can also learn how to counter that stress. Learn to listen to your body's signals and find ways to reduce your stress, even if it's just "taking five" to clear your mind.
4. BE IN CHARGE! Discover what you need to feel good about yourself and get your needs met. Another way to reduce your stress is to find an interest, hobby or activity where you feel in charge and call the shots.
5. DON'T OVERWHELM YOURSELF: If you are stressed and overwhelmed, perhaps you are trying to handle too much. Rid yourself of extra duties that aren't necessary or important. Learn how to delegate and how to say "no" without feeling guilty. Ask for help if you need it.
6. GET AWAY: Sometimes a change, however small, can do wonders for your spirit. Forget it all for a while--escape! Go somewhere new for a few hours, or a few days if you can afford to.
7. PRIORITIZE: You may not be able to avoid all the responsibilities obligations you currently have, but you can learn how to complete them without resentment and consciously choose how you will handle them.
8. EXTEND YOURSELF: Make your own life better by making someone else's life better. Give of yourself.
9. MAKE SUCCESS HAPPEN! If you can't change the world, change yourself! Learn how to love yourself as you are, while you work towards your goals. Then, make a commitment to yourself to start improving the things about yourself and your life that (you believe) need it.
10. SOCIALIZE: Spend time with family and friends for love and support. Don't be afraid to enjoy yourself! Appreciate friendship and let others know you care about them, too. Love may not conquer all, but it's a great start!
11. LEARN HOW TO BE HAPPY: One thing all of life's winners have in common is a sense of well-being, a positive attitude and realistic goals. Focus on the good things about yourself, and in your life. Nobody's perfect. Learn to enjoy the "little things" that make you happy.
Lets practice these easy ways to handle stress so that our lives always be happy and cheerful every time. That’s all from me, thank you….(",)
Assalamualaikum...... Hi miss and friends. Hope you guys in good condition.
I would to share with you about happiness. Easy thing but hard to achieve in our challenging life nowadays.
It is too difficult to be happy? Hurmmm.....
What is the secret to being really happy?
It's simple really, just choose to be happy.
Happiness is your right and you can be happy all the time if you want.
The more you choose to be happy the happier you will be. The more often you choose to be happy the happier you will be. The bigger the happiness you choose the happier you will be. How can you be happier? Just chose to be happier, more often and in bigger amounts.
Unhappy people are only unhappy because the chose to be unhappy. They link unhappiness to many things in their life. You chose to be happy, link happiness to many things in your life.
The bus is late? The unhappy person sees this as a source of unhappiness. Not you. The powerfully positive person, the happy person, like you, chooses to make the bus being late a source of happiness. You've longer to enjoy people watching the others in the queue, or listening to your favourite tracks on your phone, or reading the book you are enjoying.
You're going to arrive late? The unhappy person sees this as a source of unhappiness. Not you. The powerfully positive person, the happy person, like you, chooses being late as a source of happiness. Your boss gets to realise that you are normally a punctual person, as being late is unusual for you. You show your boss you're a conscientious worker by making up the time without being asked. And, by being late, you miss the early morning queue for the kettle.
The utility bill arrives, and is much more than expected? The unhappy person sees this as a source of unhappiness. Not you. The powerfully positive person, the happy person, like you, chooses an unexpectedly large bill as a source of happiness. It's a chance for you to use some of your savings to pay it off, and this gives you the opportunity to reflect on just how much you've managed to save up, and just how smart you were to save. It's an opportunity for you to say "Help!" and then to figure out new ways of getting some additional income into your household, and in the process learn new skills, that you'll have forever, and meet new people.
Choosing to be happy is your choice. It sounds like I'm stating the obvious, but I am often surprised at the number of people I talk to who only really grasp this when I spell it out clearly to them. They have a little eureka moment. Before such a moment, while intellectually they know their happiness is their responsibility, in practice they are acting as if it's the responsibility of everybody else. They blame the government, their family, their neighbours, or the people stuck in the queue ahead of them for their unhappiness, and not themselves.
After their little moment of revelation, I can see that they now know in both their head and heart, that despite what's happening around them, it's up to them how they react to it. It's up to them to: "Choose to be Happy".
Now you can see it not easy to being happy, right?
Assalamualaikum and hello to miss and fellow friends.I hope you all are in the pink of health.
This time I will tell you about what I have read last evening.As usual,I read a short story from the internet.The story entitled "Love And Time".I am very sure that everyone will enjoy this short story as it is very interesting.The story also give moral values to the readers.After reading the short story,I made a conclusion that not everyone around us will appreciate us and not everyone will help us when we are in trouble.Only true friend will understand the importance of friendship like "Time" as only "Time" is capable of understanding how valuable "Love"is.Other than that,from the story,we can conclude that love is more important than others,even money.Love is not to be shown among family only but also to our friends.
Assalamualaikum..I want to share with you all about the question which ask about is the racial integration possible in Malaysia or not? A race is a group of people who have their own beliefs, religion, culture and other peculir characteristic.So, when two or more races stay together conflicts will occur. We in Malaysia are in this position. There are three major races, Malays, Chinese and Indians. The people of Malaysia have come along way since the ugly incident. Most have learned that racial strife is intolerable and not worth the blood shed.However, living in harmony not mean that there is racial integration So, you all also can think that it is possible or not right??? Thank you. NURLINA AUNI MAZELAN AA08074
Assalamualaikum and hello to Miss Syawawati and my friends…
As a student from civil engineering course, sometime I feel worry about my future. What’s next after graduation? Is it possible to get a good job suitable with my qualification, isn’t it? An article is explained about working in engineering.
Holding an engineering degree is not the end of the journey. As clichéd as its sounds, it is but he beginning of a professional undertaking that is full of diverse opportunities.
Civil engineers may be in for a good time, as there is currently a boom in the construction industry. Sanjiva Reddy, an Abu Dhabi-based project engineer, concurs: ‘It may not be so for the Malaysia, but definitely yes for the Middle East, India, China and, to a lesser extent, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.’ Numerous Malaysian construction giants are taking advantage of this global demand by venturing abroad.
Sanjiva adds that a few multinational companies such as Alstom, Siemens, Sumitomo Toshiba and Tai-Seh, are also potential employers. Componies like Minconsult, SSP, ARUP Perunding, HSSI and SKM may be of interest to those pursuing the design or consultant line.
When asked if all engineering courses are similar, Sanjiva maintain that all the courses are unique, and can be as difficult as, say, medicine and law. While studying at university, one may not have the chance to learn about a difficult field of engineering. However, when it comes to actual practical engineering, most fields are intertwined.
For example, in constructing a simple office, we need electrical engineers and we need mechanical engineers. This is just for a building to give us an idea of how the various engineer work together.
Therefore, I’ll not worry again about my course because every course will provides the suitable job for engineering grads. So, I must study hard to be a professional engineer.
Did you know, by thousand years ago, there were exist one believing that called Superstition. So, now we talked about Superstitious. What a great topic today. As you know, there are lot of superstitions in every race in the world. When you think about it, it is truly not releven as a human being. But the way, there were still a lot of people around the world believe about it. Some times, they make the superstitions as a life guidance. Do you think the superstitions is real world being? I did not think the answer is yes. For me the superstitions was just be made for warning. Its been used as an unreasonable or excessive belief in fear or magic, especially foreign or fantastical ideas, and thus came to mean a "cult" in the Roman empire. It is a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge. The word is often used pejoratively to refer to supposedly irrational beliefs of others, and its precise meaning is therefore subjective. It is commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings, particularly the irrational belief that future events can be influenced or foretold by specific, unrelated behaviours or occurrences. Superstitions in Malay community are called ‘pantang larang’ in Malay and the term has been adopted by other cultures in Singapore too. You may hear a Chinese saying that it is ‘pantang’ (taboo) to carry out a certain action. So. here I will give a sort of superstitions in Malay community. For example, during pregnancy, a woman is not allowed to do various things like is not allowed to speak ill of anyone, not talk about any kinds of disabilities and she's discouraged from looking at a disabled person. If she does not do these things, the baby will develop disabilities too. Then, Pregnant women should not sleep in the afternoon or the baby's head will grow big. The father of the child is not allowed to blow any wind instruments. This is because the child will grow up to be a crybaby. Also, Pregnant women should not quarrely with their mothers-in-law or their pregnancy will face complications. The superstitious also said the kids should not raise up their legs when lying on their front, as it is believed that it might cause their mother to die. Then the nails should not be cut at night as the person’s life will be shortened. There was also a believing that hitting a child with a pillow will result in him having a shorter life. Threw the studies that I had made, to medieval scholars the word was applied to any beliefs outside of or in opposition. Today it is applied to conceptions without foundation in, or in contravention of, scientific and logical knowledge. In keeping with the Latin etymology of the word, religious believers have often seen other religions as superstition. Likewise, atheists and agnostics may regard religious belief as superstition. Religious practices are most likely to be labeled "superstitious" by outsiders when they include belief in extraordinary events (miracles), an afterlife, supernatural interventions, apparitions or the efficacy of prayer, charms, incantations, the meaningfulness of omens, and prognostications. Greek and Roman pagans, who modeled their relations with the gods on political and social terms, scorned the man who constantly trembled with fear at the thought of the gods, as a slave feared a cruel and capricious master. "Such fear of the gods (deisidaimonia) was what the Romans meant by 'superstition'. For Christians just such fears might be worn proudly as a name: Desdemona. The Roman Catholic Church considers superstition to be sinful in the sense that it denotes a lack of trust in the divine providence of God and, as such, is a violation of the first of the Ten Commandments. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states superstition "in some sense represents a perverse excess of religion
When you rethink about it, as a logical, it is not true. It just for make a lesson to the new generation. Thats all and thank you.
Another two weeks and we will facing our final exam right? However, with the assignments, another two test, laboratory report, surveying's interview and so on make us feel so stress right? What is it means with stress actually??
Stress is a biological term which refers to the consequences of the failure of a human or animal body to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats to the organism, whether actual or imagined. It is "the autonomic response to environmental stimulus."
It includes a state of alarm and adrenaline production, short-term resistance as a coping mechanism, and exhaustion. It refers to the inability of a human or animal body to respond. Common stress symptoms include irritability, muscular tension, inability to concentrate and a variety of physical reactions, such as headaches and accelerated heart rate.
This stress feeling sometimes make us easily get angry with other people even they are just joking with us and sometimes, when we can't settle the problems, we will easily give up at that time, nobody can disturb us even our friend. I know this because I also feel like this whenever I feel so stress over some people or other things..hehe
However, there are some ways we can use to release our stress. Below, I have added six stress releasing tips.
Exercise: even if you go for a walk for 15-25 minutes four days a week it will help your body to get rid of adrenaline and produce endorphins (a natural tranquilizer). Not to mention you will not only feel better, you will also look the part.
Yoga: Many ramble that practicing yoga is the best way to manage or release stress. It focuses on breathing techniques, exercises, connecting with the universe on a spiritual and mental level.
Stretch: People often stretch before and after a workout. However, learning stretching and flexing exercises to use as a way to relieve tension on many different areas of the body can help a great deal.
Massage: We all know how massages can help us relax and release tension. Prices start around $40 for 30 minutes; it all depends on what extra relaxation techniques you would like to add to the massage such as aromatherapy, oils, etc. There are also different types of massages so this will also affect the price.
Laugh it off: Rent a funny movie and laugh out loud. Go out with friends or host gatherings. Tell everyone to bring a platter. Remember the key is to release tension not, add to it. Use paper plates and plastic cups to reduce the amount of work.
Take a break- Take time to relax, sleep, and maybe even take a vacation if you can. Your body does not only need it, you deserve it.
Live stress free, be happy and smile always. Never let that stress feeling bother your lovely life. There's no reason for you to make your life looks dull and always find the way to solve your problem. That's all, thank you.
i've read a article about abortion..nowadays,many woman that interested to make abortion as their wrong way to solve their problem..Last week i had open my pendrive to delete some files. Suddenly, i saw a folder with a title abortion. I opened it and there were two videos of abortion process. On one of the videos, there are the teenager girl was talking to a doctor. I can't heard what they said clearly but i can catch some dialouge that the girl said to the doctor "i want this thing out of my body. i want to go to school...." . The doctor then asked the girl to lay down on the bed. He then took out a hanger and bent it to form j shape. Suddenly, the most painfull incident happen when the doctor put the hanger into her vagina. The girl screamed in painful and she lookes like having the most suffering incidence. Then the doctor pull the hanger out and i can see the foetus stick to that hanger! after that, the doctor just threw the foetus onto the dustbin. To me it was an immoral deeds!! although i could see that the girl was crying but to me she deserved to be in painful and suffering like that! I then delete the videos because i don't want to keep it anymore.
yesterday,i have read a article about how to make a good friends??we are as a human need friend because there are too important to us.
there are several ways to get it..
1. Spend more time around people. If you want to make friends, you first need to put yourself out there somehow. Friends don't come knocking on your door while you sit at home watching TV. If the people you're already around aren't friend material for whatever reasons, it's not the end of the world.
2. Talk to people. You can join a club, go to school, or go to church, and you still won't make friends if you don't actually talk to people. By the same token, you don't have to be involved with an organization to talk to people, and any time you talk to someone, you have a chance at making a lasting friend. You can talk to anybody: the clerk at the video store, the person sitting next to you on the bus, or the person in front of you on the lunch line. Don't be picky. Most conversations will be a dead-end of sorts, in that you may never talk to that person again or you'll just remain acquaintances, but once in a while you'll actually make a friend.
3. Initiate a get-together. You can chat your heart out but it won't get you far if you don't open up the opportunity for another meeting. This is especially important if you meet someone who you aren't otherwise likely to meet again. Seize the day!
4. Be a good friend. Once you've started spending time with potential friends, remember to do your part or else the friendship will become unbalanced and resentment is likely to arise.
good night to everyone.. this evening i have read neaws at nst..it's about Malaysians take part in Deepavali celebrations..yesterday,we have celebrated deepavali ceremony..in that news,the writer write that With the Hari Raya mood still in the air, Indians nationwide today celebrated a joyous Deepavali, with leaders and members of the community welcoming guests and friends at their open houses. Blessed with fair weather in many areas, Hindu followers started their day with prayers at the temples followed by visits to open houses, a tradition practised by the country’s multi-racial community during major celebrations. The MIC, a Barisan Nasional component party, held its open house at the Dewan Merdeka in Putra World Trade Centre, here from 10 am to 1 pm, attended by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Also present were Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and cabinet ministers. The Malaysian Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry also took the opportunity to hold an open house at Bangunan Peladang, Jalan Klang Lama, Petaling Jaya. In MALACCA, Hindu followers basked in the fair weather and visited family and friends during the festive occasion. Malacca MIC chairman Datuk R. Ragavan hosted an open house at his residence in Taman Maju Jasin while State Transport, Information and Consumer Committee chairman R. Perumal held an open house at his home in Kampung Baru, Selandar. A state-level Deepavali open house will be held at Padang Nyiru on Saturday, featuring cultural performances from India. In KOTA BARU, Kelantan MIC chairman M. Kuppusamy said Deepavali this year was celebrated modestly with several religious programmes arranged. More than 300 hampers were distributed to the less fortunate members of the community in Kuala Kerai yesterday. Today’s public holiday also saw tourists flocking to three main shopping havens in Kelatan — the Rantau Panjang Duty-Free Zone, Pengkalan Kubor and Bukit Bunga. In KOTA KINABALU, State MIC liaison chairman Datuk V. Jothi hosted an open house at the Likas Multi-purpose Hall near here. Among the dignitaries there included Yang Dipertua Negeri Tun Ahmadshah Abdullah, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, state cabinet members as well as political and community leaders. In ALOR STAR, Deepavali was celebrated modestly as seven districts in the state were still flooded. However, this did not stop the people from attending open houses hosted by state leaders including Kedah MIC chairman Datuk V. Saravanan, state MIC deputy chairman Datuk S. Ganesan and executive councillor V. Arumugam. Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak was among the guests at Arumugam’s open house. In PENANG, Deepavali was celebrated modestly with Hindu followers taking the opportunity to seek blessings at temples. The Balathandayuthabani Temple at Jalan Kebun Bunga was among the temples which attracted hundreds of Hindu followers.
in the nst news that i have read the news intitled Raped by intruder.. it's so damn weird ti heard..it happen at Pontian..A 25-year-old woman who forgot to lock the front door of her house in Taman Megah was raped by an intruder yesterday morning. The woman woke up about 1am to find a masked man in her bedroom. After raping her, the man, believed to be in his 20s, robbed her of cash and valuables. She lodged a report at the Pontian district police headquarters. She said just before she went to bed, she had gone out to check on her laundry that was drying in the garden.
last week,i've watching a movie that most interested for me..this movie named is cj7..cj7 ia a comedy about a poor laborer father played by stephen chow and his young son.when a fascinating and strange new pet enters their lives,they learn a poignant lesson about the true nature of family and the things money can't buy.
lets everyone know about deepavali..the festival that we celebrate along this month by hindus.. What is Deepavali? Learn about the festival celebrated by Hindus which is known as 'Deepavali'.
A colorful festival that is celebrated by all Hindus worldwide is Deepavali, which is also known as the festival of lights. This festival usually falls around late October and November. One important practice that the Hindus follow during the festival is to light oil lamps in their homes on Deepavali morning. By lighting the oil lamps, the Hindus are thanking the gods for the happiness, knowledge, peace and wealth that they have received. The Hindus consider Deepavali as one of the most important festivals to celebrate.
The Legend -There is even an interesting legend behind this festival. The story goes that Narakasura, a demon, ruled the kingdom of Pradyoshapuram. Under his rule, the villagers suffered a lot of hardship as the demon tortured the people and kidnapped the women to be imprisoned in his palace. Seeing his wickedness, Lord Khrishna set out to destroy the demon and the day Narakasura died was celebrated as Deepavali, the triumph of good over evil!
Preparations -Preparation for Deepavali starts usually at least two to three weeks before the festival. It is known that the Hindus will be busy cleaning their houses to prepare for the festival. Some would even renovate their houses to prepare it for Deepavali. Usually the family will shop for new clothes and for accessories to decorate their homes. Prior to the festival, Indian shops will be selling festive items like Deepavali greeting cards, carpets, Punjabi suits and flowers. The Hindus will frequent these shops when they are shopping for Deepavali.
Celebrations -The Hindus usually awake early in the morning of deepavali around 3am and the first ritual will be having an oil bath, which is an important feature of Deepavali. Hindus will be dressed in their new clothes on Deepavali. Most of the ladies would be clad in silk saris or Punjabi suits of various bright shades. Hindus particularly dislike dressing in black on that day, as they consider black an inauspicious color for the festival. Hindus would also pay their respects to the elderly and most families would go to the temple after having breakfast. This is also an important practice for them. The reason why they would be going to the temples is to pray to get happiness and prosperity on Deepavali. The houses would be decorated with oil lamps and children will play with firecrackers to celebrate the festival. On the first day, they would not go visiting but would stay at home to welcome the guests who visit them.
Food -Visiting Hindus during Deepavali will be an interesting activity, as you will get to taste a wide variety of delicious food. In every home that you visit you are bound to be served with a tempting spread of sweets. Some of the popular sweets are halwa, burfi and laddu. Hindus love eating spicy food and for non-vegetarians they indulge in favorites like chicken tandoori, prawn sambal and fish head curry. In homes of Hindus who are vegetarians popular dishes like thosais, idlis and naans are prepared.
Assalamualaikum and hello to miss Syafawati and friends..
I want to share about the novel I have read before. But it is Malay Novel. It is the story about a girl which name Farah Diba whose live without her father care. Her father is the one of the sucessful bussinessman but her father always ignore her and treat her not as his daughter. Her father become like that because he hate woman and think woman as same as his father, Farhana who ran away and destroy the family.She always try to make her father care of her, but it failed. One day, her father mising when diving in one of island in Australia with her brothers. In this situation, she has to take over the company to avoid her uncle from destroyed it. She give the best her best to save the company. But, when her father back, he never appreciate it. At the last, her father realize his fault and apologize to Farah with what he had done. And they live happily. This show how strenght the family love and the important relationship between the children with their family.
Good Evening Miss... Last week I have read one interest articles that attracted me...Well....as we know,all of us have a dreams to get marriage in future..."HOW TO HANDLE WEDDING STRESS" such a attractive topic for me...It gave lots of tips to encounter this thing in future..wow!haha.. Hence..here I want to share a bit of tips of it: 1.Consider hiring a wedding planner.They will help you to coordinate the wedding ceremony and reception, and assure they run smoothly so you won't have to worry.
2.Start an exercise program or join a yoga class. This also helps to relieve stress and will aid you in getting a good night's sleep and gives effect on your figure.
3. Enjoy lunch and a spa day with a special girlfriend/boyfriend. Pamper yourself with a facial, massage, pedicure-the works.
4. Plan something fun. You have appointments and meetings you have to keep, but don't forget life's small pleasures. Have lunch with your fiancé and make a point of talking about something other than the wedding. Go window-shopping. Enjoy a movie with friends.
5. Practice relaxation and breathing techniques in the weeks before the wedding. If you feel yourself becoming anxious during the wedding day, breathe deeply, fully inhaling and exhaling, to calm yourself.
If you feel stressed about your wedding, remember what the day is really all about. You're marrying the person you love, the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. Keeping that in mind often helps give brides perspective on little things that might not be perfect or which are beyond her/his power to change.
That the some of the tips. Hopefully our dreams will come true....
today i will share with all of you about one more novel that i have read. the title is "PERFUME"
this story is quite interesting for those people who loved perfumes just like me.
the story line is about one boy who was abandon by his mother and was raised in orphanage house, he was born with very good smells sensor and one day he was attracted to the smell of perfume and start from the day he create a lot of good perfumes for his master the shopkeeper.
his master told him that there were 13 different notes of smells in 1 set of perfume and people only manage to find 1 to 12 notes but the last notes still mystery until that day.
start from that day he was making a lot of perfume to get the last note but he failed and one day he got an idea to make 1 set of perfume by using human body and he start killing people to make the perfume, after making 12 perfumes by using 12 dead body he combined all the perfumes and he manage to create the last notes.
at the end of the story he killed himself because he dont want the secrete to be revealed.
assalamualaikum... miss I just to mention that Perak is much better than Pahang... no offense... It's not that I didn't like here but it's really make me to suffocate when I stay at place that "jin tendang" i will tell some place that are best in Perak.. The palce is called Pulau Sembilan.. Just 10 miles south of Pulau Pangkor lies a cluster of nine islands called Pulau Sembilan: Pulau Agas, Pulau Payong, Pulau Nipis, Pulau Rumbia, Pulau Lalang, Pulau Saga, Pulau Buluh, Black Rock and White Rock. Secluded and uninhabited, they are popular with campers during weekends and public holidays, especially from November to March. The favourite of the nine is Pulau Lalang, which has a refreshing clear stream and soft sandy beach ideal for camping. And miss I have to touch something here as a muslim... It's that I racist or what... It just I have read about what Lilian said and I found that its totally unacceptable.. Lilian for the truth you can married with muslim but you must changes your religion and u must left all the things that are restricted in our religion... I think you has been asking the question to the wrong person.. maybe you ask that to astora jabat... for further information you just can ask the caunselor or any muslim lecturer in UMP... TQ
What is a true friend? A true friend says what they think their friend needs to hear even when they know that their friend may get angry. A true friend doesn't leave because they are afraid to be with you. A true friend doesn't leave when the fun stops and things get uncomfortable There are just of few of the values that real friends hold dear. In short, A true friend recognizes the value of the friendship and holds it sacred.
You never see me, but I always see you. You're in my mind, my thoughts, and all my dreams too. You think you're imperfect in every single way, that there's no reason that you should stay. There is a reason, a simple one really, just open your eyes so you can see clearly. The sky, the mountains, the air we breathe, why in the world would you want to leave? You give hopefulness to a heart that’s filled with despair, you help free the souls that would never care. You can't go, you just have to stay, because if you left, it'd hurt too much to say.
March 28 is earth hour, the hole world Participated Earth Hour, which ran from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., resulted in a 1 percent drop in the Chicago area's energy use. The 100-megawatt reduction is equal to removing 154,500 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or planting 19 acres of trees.
Earth Hour, which is in its third year, encourages people across the globe to conserve energy by turning off all nonessential lights for one hour. More than 2,800 cities worldwide, including Homer Glen, Lockport and Chicago, officially participated in the event this year.
The March 28 energy drop wasn't as dramatic as last year's, when residents shaved 7 percent off their typical energy use during Earth Hour. The weekend's cold, rainy weather probably meant more people used their heaters, offsetting the energy savings from turning off the lights.
But what Earth Hour may have lacked in punch, it made up for in participation. More than 60 businesses in Homer Glen alone dimmed their lights during Earth Hour this year.
An Earth Hour ceremony at McDonald's at 143rd Street and Bell Road in Homer Glen also drew a crowd, with more than 50 people attending.
Assalamualaikum.. In my past comment,I had talked about a marriage. Know, I want to talk about a divorce. Divorce is a life-transforming experience for all parties involved. Long-time researcher-author Judith Wallerstein reported many of the children in her longitudinal study on divorce weren’t aware their parents were having serious problems; their parents' divorce marked the end of their childhood. Wallerstein says a family break-up is so detrimental to kids because "children identify not only with their mother and father as separate individuals, but with the relationship between them." From the child’s perspective, mother and father are a naturally inseparable unit.
Compared to children from intact homes, children of divorce are far more likely to struggle academically, engage in drug and alcohol use and other high-risk behaviors, commit suicide, experience psychiatric problems, live in poverty, and have a greater likelihood to divorce themselves. Thirty years of research conclusively shows its harm to children in virtually every measure. Studies support marital longevity as a vital component of good health for children and adults alike.
So, for those who are married, please take good care about your family and the relationship between you and your partner. Try to solve the problem in a good ways and avoid a divorce. It is because, your children will be a victim of all the decision that you have made between both of you and they will learn something bad and will affect on their growth. Think about it and take a lesson from this article. Thank you.
I would like to share with you about health information. Nowadays, many people want to look a beautiful especially women. They tried every pill that sell at market without have permission from government, diet and many step that they use to become beautiful. Actually, if you want to be beautiful, many tips and safe step you can follow. If not, you can get a sick. Sometimes, have a woman want to be a beautiful and thin even she is already thin. They not satisfied with their body and do a wrong diet again and make the body so thin. That is call anorexia. So, I want to talk about symptoms of anorexia and my advice to the diets entire, do a safe diet if you want to be beautiful from you get any danger disease.
Possibly the most bewildering symptom of eating disorders is the distorted body image (body dysmorphia). Although people typically associate distorted body image with severe anorexia, one study indicated that distortion may be more prevalent in people with bulimia. People with bulimia were more likely than those with anorexia to overestimate their size. There was also a greater disparity between what they wanted to look like and what they believed they looked like.
People with bulimia nearly always practice it in secret, and, although they may be underweight, they are not always anorexic. Symptoms or signs of bulimia may, therefore, be very subtle and go unnoticed. They may include:
• Evidence of discarded packaging for laxatives, diet pills, emetics (drugs that induce vomiting), or diuretics (medications that reduce fluids)
• Regularly going to the bathroom right after meals
• Suddenly eating large amounts of food or buying large quantities that disappear right away
• Compulsive exercising
• Broken blood vessels in the eyes (from the strain of vomiting)
• Pouch-like appearance to the corners of the mouth due to swollen salivary glands (occurs within days of vomiting in about 8% of people with bulimia)
• Dry mouth
• Tooth cavities, diseased gums, and irreversible enamel erosion from excessive acid
• Rashes and pimples
• Small cuts and calluses across the tops of finger joints due to self-induced vomiting
Weight loss. The primary symptom of anorexia is major weight loss from excessive and continuous dieting, which may either be restrictive dieting or binge-eating and purging.
Other symptoms of anorexia may include:
• Infrequent or absent menstrual periods
• Compulsive exercising coupled with excessive thinness
• Refusal to eat in front of others
• Ritualistic eating, including cutting food into small pieces
• Hypersensitivity to cold, some women wear several layers of clothing to both keep warm and hide their thinness
• Yellowish skin, especially on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, from eating too many vitamin A-rich vegetables such as carrots
• Dry skin covered with fine hair
• Thin scalp hair
• Cold or swollen feet and hands
• Stomach problems, including bloating after eating
Do you know rose??A rose is a perennial flower shrub or vine of the genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae, that contains over 100 species and comes in a variety of colors. The species form a group of erect shrubs, and climbing or trailing plants, with stems that are often armed with sharp prickles. It is a common error to refer to roses having thorns. But thorns are modified leaves, whereas these sharp protrusions on a rose are modified epidermal tissues (prickles). Most are native to Asia, with smaller numbers of species native to Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. Natives, cultivars and hybrids are all widely grown for their beauty and fragrance. [1] The leaves are alternate and pinnately compound, with sharply toothed oval-shaped leaflets. The plant's fleshy edible fruit is called a rose hip. Rose plants range in size from puny, miniature roses, to climbers that can reach 20 meters in height. Species from different parts of the world easily hybridize, which has given rise to the many types of garden roses. The name originates from Latin rosa, borrowed from Oscan from colonial Greek in southern Italy: rhodon (Aeolic form: wrodon), from Aramaic wurrdā, from Assyrian wurtinnu, from Old Iranian *warda (cf. Armenian vard, Avestan warda, Sogdian ward, Parthian wâr).[2][3] Attar of rose is the steam-extracted essential oil from rose flowers that has been used in perfumes for centuries. Rose water, made from the rose oil, is widely used in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine. The French are known for their rose syrup, most commonly made from an extract of rose petals. In the United States, this French rose syrup is used to make rose scones. Rose hips are occasionally made into jam, jelly, and marmalade, or are brewed for tea, primarily for their high Vitamin C content. They are also pressed and filtered to make rose hip syrup. Rose hips are also used to produce Rose hip seed oil, which is used in skin products and some makeup products. .::Nadia Ashikin binti Zainal Bahri::. .::A14::.
Assalamualaikum to my teacher… I hope you are happy always..
The next novel that I already write is “THE LAKE HOUSE” . so I want to share summary of this novel together with you all. This book is a sequel to Patterson’s "When The Wind Blows" in which he introduces the six genetically altered children that can fly while still maintaining their human traits while equiped with wings. In this novel the children are back and they are involved in an adventure that could cost them their lives. Their adventure involves a mad doctor that wants to use the children in a project in order to fulfill his desire to preserve eternal life but, only for a few very afluent males.. In the first book the children are rescued by an FBI agent and a veterinarian. The rescue forms a close bond between the children and their human rescuers. The bond is so strong that the children want the two rescuers to be their foster parents. This involves them in a legal custody battle with their biological parents. Yes, the children do have human biological parents. They were kidnapped and genetically altered becoming part human and part bird. The six children are very close to each other and travel in a flock as birds do. However, their human traits are also present and an important part of their being. This book is very different from the usual James Patterson murder mysteries because it smacks heavily of science fiction. The flying children and their human and bird anatomy are very believable. His scientific research is well done. Patterson assimilates mystery and science fiction well and makes this a most interesting novel. Throughout the novel I kept asking myself “where is Patterson going with this?” As I kept reading I could almost hear Patterson saying “Follow me closely and I will show you where this is going.” It was worth it. The book is a great read. I like this book.
Assalamualaikum to all my friend and my teacher… I hope you all in a pink of hearth.
Now, I want to share another story with you all. This story also is quiet interesting and enjoy. Here, have some summary that I write so that you all can know what this story. The Queen and I is a hilarious novel that pokes fun at the British royal family by setting up an unrealistic yet wonderfully imaginative scenario. The “republicans” have won the latest election in Britain and have decided that all the royal family’s possessions will be seized and they will be forced to make their own way in the world. They are plunged into instant poverty and must make ends meet in the real world. This novel will probably not be greeted with warmth by royalists but is guaranteed to have you in fits of laughter otherwise. The queen herself adopts the stiff upper lip approach and tries to get along with her new life only to find that a can of corned beef really is too much to deal with and can’t get the thing open to save her life. Prince Philip is devastated and takes to his bed indefinitely, Prince Charles ends up in gaol after having a scrap with one of the neighbours and must suffer the loss of his organic garden, and Anne manages to get by because she has a horse! It is really a laugh a minute and extremely enjoyable. If only it were true!. I like to read this story. Assalamualaikum.
Assalamualaikum and greetings to all.. The novel with the title The Dirty Girls Social Club was atracted me. this is about a reunion of three bestfriend after they are ended their degree from Boston University. This novel issued about a social live a gruop of woman with fully with happy and have any behaviuor and very hate the pretending. This novel is also issued about prejudis, a hard to get respect from Latin guy but stabble with love story and adding with the story about clothes and accessories will make you satisfied after you read this. TQ!
“10 THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT EGGS I know most of us are like to eat an egg. So, today I want to share a bit thing about egg. I had read an article that telling about the true egg facts but its sound is quite incredible. 1)When the Bulls’ Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen were in their prime, Jordan liked to say that they were “ham-and-egging.” This meant that one of them would start strong and the other would finish strong. And opponents were toast. 2)At breakfast, President Woodrow Wilson drank two raw eggs in juice. 3)To demonstrate his versatility, the Japanese master artist Hokusai sometimes painted using the stick end of the brush, or with his fingers, or with chicken eggs. 4)Paul McCartney came up with the melody for “Yesterday” long before he had the words. While searching for just the right lyrics, he and John Lennon referred to the song as “Scrambled Eggs,” which had the same meter as the eventual title. “We called it ‘Scrambled Eggs’ and it became a joke between us,” Lennon said. “… Then one morning Paul woke up and the song and the title were both there, completed. I was sorry in a way, we had so many laughs about it.” 5)A common numbers racket in the ’30s and ’40s was called “butter and eggs.” Gamblers would bet on the closing commodity prices for butter and eggs. Before that, a “butter-and-egg man” was slang for a visitor with a lot of money, a yokel ready to be separated from his funds. 6)In golfing slang, a ball half-buried in a sand bunker is called a ‘fried egg’. In diner slang, if you want to order scrambled eggs on toast, you say, ‘Adam and Eve on a raft, and wreck’. 7)Nobody seems sure about the Benedict who was honored by eggs Benedict. According to one story, LeGard Benedict, a customer at the Farmed New York restaurant Delmonico’s, asked the chef to invent a new egg dish. But a rival story says the dish was inspired by Harry Benedict, a customer at the Waldorf Astoria in New York who wanted a meal to help him overcome a hangover. 8)The Easter bunny must have been wearing jackboots in Tumwater, Wash in February 2006. Resident found neo-Nazi leaflets taped to plastic Easter eggs and scattered on their front lawns. The ethnic slurs were appalling, but residents found the Easter to be particularly offensive. “They shouldn’t be doing the eggs”, said Shirley Westman. “That’s not right at all”. 9)Joseph Coyle, who ran a small newspaper in the 1910s in British Columbia, quit the news business after inventing a different paper product: the egg carton. 10)Birds generally lay eggs that are 1 to 10 percent of their body weight. But the kiwi produces a single egg that is 20-25 percent of its weight. The San Diego Zoo’s Website compares it to a 120 pound human female giving birth to a 24 pound baby.
Assalamualaikum and good morning.. I found an article title "The secrets of a success mindset". Its sound interesting for me. So, I want to share with you all. You hear it all the time: "success is a state of mind." There are people who would argue that success is a natural result of proper planning, preparation and focused action, and that viewpoint certainly holds a grain of truth - but there are also many exceptions to disprove that "rule." Have you ever wondered how two people can attempt the same objective in the same way and only one of them succeed? Is it sheer luck? Timing? Tenacity? More often than not, it's a person's mind-set that determines whether they fail or succeed.
What is a mind-set, anyway? Typically a mind-set refers to your predominant state of mind day to day. It's what you think about, focus on, and expect from your daily experiences. Think negatively, expect the worst, feel pessimistic about your options and that's exactly what you'll seem to draw into your life. Likewise, think positively, expect the best and focus on a successful outcome and you get it most of the time.
Makes sense, right? But how exactly does this work? Why is a success mind-set so important? There are three big reasons:
1) A success mind-set boosts your confidence and self-belief.
A lack of belief in yourself usually comes along with a sense of powerlessness and futility, which is the exact opposite of a success mind-set. Lack of confidence means you see no point in trying to be successful because it won't happen anyway. Obviously, this type of mind-set is a recipe for failure in any endeavor.
Having a true success mind-set, on the other hand, means you believe in yourself and your capabilities. You believe you can succeed at nearly anything you try, and you're willing to give it your best shot. Even better, the more you do try, the more confidence and self-belief you build - until you're virtually unstoppable!
2) A success mind-set strengthens your determination.
Without a success mind-set, one failure is enough to convince you that pursuing your goals is a waste of time. Tenacity and determination don't exist in your world. If you don't become a raging success the first time you try, you surmise that it simply wasn't meant to be. Unfortunately, few things worth having are obtained so easily!
A success mind-set, however, strengthens your awareness that a failure is not the end of the story - it's just one more way that didn't work out the way you planned. In fact, a true success mind-set makes it obvious that the only true failure occurs when you stop trying.
3) A success mind-set encourages fruitful actions.
Have you ever found yourself wandering in circles because you didn't know the best way to approach a specific goal? Perhaps you had an idea of the best course of action but you felt intimidated by some of the action steps required. As a result, you may have kept sabotaging your efforts as you searched in vain for an easier or less frightening way to your goal.
With a true success mind-set, you'll always know the most effective action steps that will lead directly to your goal. As already discussed, you'll also have the inner confidence and determination to pursue them - which is a sure recipe for . . . you guessed it; success!
If I had to sum up how to develop a success mind-set into as few words as possible, I'd say this:
- Go for your dreams. - Think positively. - Believe in yourself. - Believe you can do better. - Learn, grow and develop yourself. - Be willing to take chances. - Give it your all. - Expect the best in every situation. - Be willing to fail. - When you fall down, get back up and try again.
Keep doing that and you can't help but become successful, from the inside out. That's all. Thank you.
Greetings again to all.. I've just read a news entitled, "Cops sieze contraband cigarettes worth RM500,000". The news were read like this, "MUAR: Police raided a semi-detached house with windows sealed with iron plates and armed with alarm sensors and seized more than RM500,000 worth of contraband cigarettes.
The house, located near Taman Lau Eng Teng, was empty during the raid by nine policemen from the Muar marine base at about 10pm on Friday.
Commanding officer Asst Supt Lajir Tahir said Saturday that although the house was surrounded by alarm sensors, no alarm was triggered when the door was broken.
The team, headed by Insp Mohd Naser Marzuke, found more than 1,800 cartons of contraband cigarettes, including those from China.
“We suspect the house is a distributing centre for smuggled cigarettes as there were stacks of empty boxes in the living room,” he told reporters Saturday.
ASP Lajis said the success was due to public tip-off and policemen staked the house for about one month before conducting the raid.
He said the cigarettes, including more than 500 cartons of Gudang Garam brand, were sent to the Customs Department."
This shows that, no matter how we hide our misdeed, we still will get caught or people will still figure out. People always take the easiest path to get rich and normally that path is illegal and other people may suffer from it. The moral is, we must choose the right path to succeed so that we won't regret it in the future. Instead, we will satisfy more because, all that effort we have been put through is legal and we'll get reward from it.
Assalamualaikum to Miss and all my fellow friends.....
I already read about ‘DARK CHOCOLATE’. I am the chocolate lover, so here is some information about chocolate; chocolate contains some of the same disease-fighting antioxidants as red wine, fruit and vegetables. In fact, a 50g bar of the dark chocolate offers about the same amount of antioxidants protection as a 150 ml glass of Cabernet. Tests conducted in Japan on human blood samples found that some antioxidants extracted from chocolate suppressed cell-damaging chemicals and boosted immune function. More recently, the British Medical Journal reported that people who regularly eat chocolate live up to a year longer than those who avoid it altogether. The study, which examined health records of 7841 men, found that people who ate modest amounts of chocolate arc-from one to three a month – had a 36 per cent lower risk of death than those who abstained. Thank you
I just across this Q&A in a website. It says that;
ReplyDeleteI have an question to ask. I am a Catholic girl who is in love with a Muslim guy. He is a very open minded person. He is a very loving & caring person. I really love him very much, in fact we love each other a lot. Now, here is my question. Can I marry him by just solemnizing our marriage the Muslim way without me converting to a Muslim nor he converting to Catholicism? After which we would register our marriage at the ROM.
We will both remain as what we are and lead life the normal life. I don't see why I must give up my religion in order to marry him when he is not giving is up.
In actual fact my boyfriend doesn't insist that I should convert to marry him but the family does. So I told him that I think we should decide for ourselves. Please help find a solution, thanks.
Then the answer is:
Yes, you can marry without changing your religion, because the holy Qur'an expressly and specifically permits the marriage of a Muslim man to a woman of the Ahl-e-Kitab (people of the Scriptures). The Ahl-e-Kitab is interpreted to mean people of the Jewish or Christian faith. After marriage, it is binding upon the Muslim husband to permit his Christian or Jewish wife to practise her own religion without any hindrance from him whatsoever. On the other hand, the holy Qur'an expressly forbids a Muslim woman from marriage to a non-Muslim man (even if he belongs to the people of Scriptures -- e.g. Christians or Jews).
Generally speaking, the son's parents often prefer to have a Muslim daughter-in-law, mainly for cultural and social considerations -- but not because of religious requirements. This is similar to the practise of parents encouraging their children to marry people with similar racial, linquistic, and social status (such as wealth, nobility, profession, beauty, skin colour and so on). What really matters however, is the good moral character and compatibility of the couple.
Two adults who are able to make their own decisions may do so freely when it comes to choosing a marriage partner, and if they can, they might also try to accommodate the parent's wishes if possible. If it is not possible, then that is too bad. Marriage in Islam is a civil contract made between two consenting parties out of their own free will.
In Canada, a person who is authorized to solemnize marriage under Canadian law, can also perform the Nikah (Muslim Marriage ceremony) at the same time and register with the Registrar of Marriages. Check the law for your own
country for this purpose. Muslim marriage (Nikah) is required in accordance with the Muslim law and it is a legal requirement even if the bride is Christian or Jewish.
*In my opinion, when a couple fall in love no matter they are from what races, they should deserve a perfect marriage. Actually, i think that all rules should be ignore and let the fated couple be together and have their own life!
SEC 14
Assalamualaikum and very good morning to you…..
ReplyDeleteHow are you now? I hope you are in a good condition. Today, I want to share with you about my article that discuss about ‘What Causes Headache?’.
Headaches can happen for many reasons. We may have eyestrain from spending too much time on our laptop, we could have an inflammation of our sinus cavities or it could be a life-threatening condition like a tumor, brain cancer, or encephalitis. We can also get a headache if we’re hungry.
More than likely it’s simply a tension headache.
Tension headaches are caused by tightening in the muscles in shoulders, neck, scalp and jaw. I’ll bet you didn’t realize that you had muscles in your scalp, much less that they could contract. These are tension headaches. The contractions of these muscles are often due to stress, depression or anxiety. If you’re working too much, not getting enough rest, not eating properly or using alcohol or drugs you’re probably more prone to getting tension headaches. Migraines and cluster headaches appear to be related to swelling of blood vessels. The pain comes from the blood vessel walls, membrane coverings of the brain and the muscles in the scalp and neck. Your brain itself actually cannot feel pain. Inflammation of your sinuses is also a common cause of headaches.
In your quest to determine the cause of your headaches, it’s a good idea to keep a headache journal. Get a little notebook and write down every time you get a headache. What did you eat before it happened? What activities were you engaged in? Did your vision change? Did you become sensitive to light? You’ll be able to see patterns of what may bring on your pain, like stress, food triggers, medications, and menstrual cycles. Foods that have been found to trigger certain headaches are chocolate, cheese and MSG (monosodium glutamate). For your information, actually MSG is found in mee maggi.
Your tension headache can be caused by engaging in an activity that requires you to keep your head in the same position for an extended period of time like using a computer or a microscope or any other repetitive action. It could also be caused by sleeping in an odd position, clenching your jaw, grinding your teeth while asleep or sleeping in a cold room.
Once we know what causes our headaches, we’re more likely to be able to avoid them in the future.
Thank you.
Assalamualaikum and a very good evening to every one…..
ReplyDeleteHere, I would like to share with every one about the easy ways to handle stress.One of the most singificant problems human beings face as a general population is how to handle stress. As a life & career expert, and an acclaimed advice columnist, I have compiled eleven of the most significant ways that you can reduce stress in your life. You may not always be able to make stress dissappear, but you can manage it with some very simple techniques.
1. Talk! Don't hold all your feelings within! Discuss your stressful feelings with someone you trust who will listen without being judgmental or pressuring you to their own point of view.
2. ACT! Be willing to take risk and make change, no matter how small. Try to change the stressful situation, or at least some part of it.
3. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! If you learn about how your body reacts to stress, you can also learn how to counter that stress. Learn to listen to your body's signals and find ways to reduce your stress, even if it's just "taking five" to clear your mind.
4. BE IN CHARGE! Discover what you need to feel good about yourself and get your needs met. Another way to reduce your stress is to find an interest, hobby or activity where you feel in charge and call the shots.
5. DON'T OVERWHELM YOURSELF: If you are stressed and overwhelmed, perhaps you are trying to handle too much. Rid yourself of extra duties that aren't necessary or important. Learn how to delegate and how to say "no" without feeling guilty. Ask for help if you need it.
6. GET AWAY: Sometimes a change, however small, can do wonders for your spirit. Forget it all for a while--escape! Go somewhere new for a few hours, or a few days if you can afford to.
7. PRIORITIZE: You may not be able to avoid all the responsibilities obligations you currently have, but you can learn how to complete them without resentment and consciously choose how you will handle them.
8. EXTEND YOURSELF: Make your own life better by making someone else's life better. Give of yourself.
9. MAKE SUCCESS HAPPEN! If you can't change the world, change yourself! Learn how to love yourself as you are, while you work towards your goals. Then, make a commitment to yourself to start improving the things about yourself and your life that (you believe) need it.
10. SOCIALIZE: Spend time with family and friends for love and support. Don't be afraid to enjoy yourself! Appreciate friendship and let others know you care about them, too. Love may not conquer all, but it's a great start!
11. LEARN HOW TO BE HAPPY: One thing all of life's winners have in common is a sense of well-being, a positive attitude and realistic goals. Focus on the good things about yourself, and in your life. Nobody's perfect. Learn to enjoy the "little things" that make you happy.
Lets practice these easy ways to handle stress so that our lives always be happy and cheerful every time. That’s all from me, thank you….(",)
ReplyDeleteHi miss and friends. Hope you guys in good condition.
I would to share with you about happiness. Easy thing but hard to achieve in our challenging life nowadays.
It is too difficult to be happy? Hurmmm.....
What is the secret to being really happy?
It's simple really, just choose to be happy.
Happiness is your right and you can be happy all the time if you want.
The more you choose to be happy the happier you will be. The more often you choose to be happy the happier you will be. The bigger the happiness you choose the happier you will be. How can you be happier? Just chose to be happier, more often and in bigger amounts.
Unhappy people are only unhappy because the chose to be unhappy. They link unhappiness to many things in their life. You chose to be happy, link happiness to many things in your life.
The bus is late? The unhappy person sees this as a source of unhappiness. Not you. The powerfully positive person, the happy person, like you, chooses to make the bus being late a source of happiness. You've longer to enjoy people watching the others in the queue, or listening to your favourite tracks on your phone, or reading the book you are enjoying.
You're going to arrive late? The unhappy person sees this as a source of unhappiness. Not you. The powerfully positive person, the happy person, like you, chooses being late as a source of happiness. Your boss gets to realise that you are normally a punctual person, as being late is unusual for you. You show your boss you're a conscientious worker by making up the time without being asked. And, by being late, you miss the early morning queue for the kettle.
The utility bill arrives, and is much more than expected? The unhappy person sees this as a source of unhappiness. Not you. The powerfully positive person, the happy person, like you, chooses an unexpectedly large bill as a source of happiness. It's a chance for you to use some of your savings to pay it off, and this gives you the opportunity to reflect on just how much you've managed to save up, and just how smart you were to save. It's an opportunity for you to say "Help!" and then to figure out new ways of getting some additional income into your household, and in the process learn new skills, that you'll have forever, and meet new people.
Choosing to be happy is your choice. It sounds like I'm stating the obvious, but I am often surprised at the number of people I talk to who only really grasp this when I spell it out clearly to them. They have a little eureka moment. Before such a moment, while intellectually they know their happiness is their responsibility, in practice they are acting as if it's the responsibility of everybody else. They blame the government, their family, their neighbours, or the people stuck in the queue ahead of them for their unhappiness, and not themselves.
After their little moment of revelation, I can see that they now know in both their head and heart, that despite what's happening around them, it's up to them how they react to it. It's up to them to: "Choose to be Happy".
Now you can see it not easy to being happy, right?
That's all from me.
Till now...
Thank you.
Wan Atikah Bt Haji Wan Omar.
Assalamualaikum and hello to miss and fellow friends.I hope you all are in the pink of health.
ReplyDeleteThis time I will tell you about what I have read last evening.As usual,I read a short story from the internet.The story entitled "Love And Time".I am very sure that everyone will enjoy this short story as it is very interesting.The story also give moral values to the readers.After reading the short story,I made a conclusion that not everyone around us will appreciate us and not everyone will help us when we are in trouble.Only true friend will understand the importance of friendship like "Time" as only "Time" is capable of understanding how valuable "Love"is.Other than that,from the story,we can conclude that love is more important than others,even money.Love is not to be shown among family only but also to our friends.
I think that's all from me this time.
Thank you.
Assalamualaikum..I want to share with you all about the question which ask about is the racial integration possible in Malaysia or not?
ReplyDeleteA race is a group of people who have their own beliefs, religion, culture and other peculir characteristic.So, when two or more races stay together conflicts will occur. We in Malaysia are in this position. There are three major races, Malays, Chinese and Indians.
The people of Malaysia have come along way since the ugly incident. Most have learned that racial strife is intolerable and not worth the blood shed.However, living in harmony not mean that there is racial integration
So, you all also can think that it is possible or not right???
Thank you.
Assalamualaikum and hello to Miss Syawawati and my friends…
ReplyDeleteAs a student from civil engineering course, sometime I feel worry about my future. What’s next after graduation? Is it possible to get a good job suitable with my qualification, isn’t it? An article is explained about working in engineering.
Holding an engineering degree is not the end of the journey. As clichéd as its sounds, it is but he beginning of a professional undertaking that is full of diverse opportunities.
Civil engineers may be in for a good time, as there is currently a boom in the construction industry. Sanjiva Reddy, an Abu Dhabi-based project engineer, concurs: ‘It may not be so for the Malaysia, but definitely yes for the Middle East, India, China and, to a lesser extent, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.’ Numerous Malaysian construction giants are taking advantage of this global demand by venturing abroad.
Sanjiva adds that a few multinational companies such as Alstom, Siemens, Sumitomo Toshiba and Tai-Seh, are also potential employers. Componies like Minconsult, SSP, ARUP Perunding, HSSI and SKM may be of interest to those pursuing the design or consultant line.
When asked if all engineering courses are similar, Sanjiva maintain that all the courses are unique, and can be as difficult as, say, medicine and law. While studying at university, one may not have the chance to learn about a difficult field of engineering. However, when it comes to actual practical engineering, most fields are intertwined.
For example, in constructing a simple office, we need electrical engineers and we need mechanical engineers. This is just for a building to give us an idea of how the various engineer work together.
Therefore, I’ll not worry again about my course because every course will provides the suitable job for engineering grads. So, I must study hard to be a professional engineer.
ReplyDeleteDid you know, by thousand years ago, there were exist one believing that called Superstition. So, now we talked about Superstitious. What a great topic today. As you know, there are lot of superstitions in every race in the world. When you think about it, it is truly not releven as a human being. But the way, there were still a lot of people around the world believe about it. Some times, they make the superstitions as a life guidance. Do you think the superstitions is real world being? I did not think the answer is yes. For me the superstitions was just be made for warning.
Its been used as an unreasonable or excessive belief in fear or magic, especially foreign or fantastical ideas, and thus came to mean a "cult" in the Roman empire. It is a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge. The word is often used pejoratively to refer to supposedly irrational beliefs of others, and its precise meaning is therefore subjective. It is commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings, particularly the irrational belief that future events can be influenced or foretold by specific, unrelated behaviours or occurrences.
Superstitions in Malay community are called ‘pantang larang’ in Malay and the term has been adopted by other cultures in Singapore too. You may hear a Chinese saying that it is ‘pantang’ (taboo) to carry out a certain action. So. here I will give a sort of superstitions in Malay community. For example, during pregnancy, a woman is not allowed to do various things like is not allowed to speak ill of anyone, not talk about any kinds of disabilities and she's discouraged from looking at a disabled person. If she does not do these things, the baby will develop disabilities too.
Then, Pregnant women should not sleep in the afternoon or the baby's head will grow big. The father of the child is not allowed to blow any wind instruments. This is because the child will grow up to be a crybaby. Also, Pregnant women should not quarrely with their mothers-in-law or their pregnancy will face complications.
The superstitious also said the kids should not raise up their legs when lying on their front, as it is believed that it might cause their mother to die.
Then the nails should not be cut at night as the person’s life will be shortened.
There was also a believing that hitting a child with a pillow will result in him having a shorter life. Threw the studies that I had made, to medieval scholars the word was applied to any beliefs outside of or in opposition. Today it is applied to conceptions without foundation in, or in contravention of, scientific and logical knowledge. In keeping with the Latin etymology of the word, religious believers have often seen other religions as superstition. Likewise, atheists and agnostics may regard religious belief as superstition. Religious practices are most likely to be labeled "superstitious" by outsiders when they include belief in extraordinary events (miracles), an afterlife, supernatural interventions, apparitions or the efficacy of prayer, charms, incantations, the meaningfulness of omens, and prognostications.
Greek and Roman pagans, who modeled their relations with the gods on political and social terms, scorned the man who constantly trembled with fear at the thought of the gods, as a slave feared a cruel and capricious master. "Such fear of the gods (deisidaimonia) was what the Romans meant by 'superstition'. For Christians just such fears might be worn proudly as a name: Desdemona.
The Roman Catholic Church considers superstition to be sinful in the sense that it denotes a lack of trust in the divine providence of God and, as such, is a violation of the first of the Ten Commandments. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states superstition "in some sense represents a perverse excess of religion
When you rethink about it, as a logical, it is not true. It just for make a lesson to the new generation. Thats all and thank you.
Al-shaquerin B Katman
Assalamualaikum and a very good evening...
ReplyDeleteAnother two weeks and we will facing our final exam right? However, with the assignments, another two test, laboratory report, surveying's interview and so on make us feel so stress right? What is it means with stress actually??
Stress is a biological term which refers to the consequences of the failure of a human or animal body to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats to the organism, whether actual or imagined. It is "the autonomic response to environmental stimulus."
It includes a state of alarm and adrenaline production, short-term resistance as a coping mechanism, and exhaustion. It refers to the inability of a human or animal body to respond. Common stress symptoms include irritability, muscular tension, inability to concentrate and a variety of physical reactions, such as headaches and accelerated heart rate.
This stress feeling sometimes make us easily get angry with other people even they are just joking with us and sometimes, when we can't settle the problems, we will easily give up at that time, nobody can disturb us even our friend. I know this because I also feel like this whenever I feel so stress over some people or other things..hehe
However, there are some ways we can use to release our stress. Below, I have added six stress releasing tips.
Exercise: even if you go for a walk for 15-25 minutes four days a week it will help your body to get rid of adrenaline and produce endorphins (a natural tranquilizer). Not to mention you will not only feel better, you will also look the part.
Yoga: Many ramble that practicing yoga is the best way to manage or release stress. It focuses on breathing techniques, exercises, connecting with the universe on a spiritual and mental level.
Stretch: People often stretch before and after a workout. However, learning stretching and flexing exercises to use as a way to relieve tension on many different areas of the body can help a great deal.
Massage: We all know how massages can help us relax and release tension. Prices start around $40 for 30 minutes; it all depends on what extra relaxation techniques you would like to add to the massage such as aromatherapy, oils, etc. There are also different types of massages so this will also affect the price.
Laugh it off: Rent a funny movie and laugh out loud. Go out with friends or host gatherings. Tell everyone to bring a platter. Remember the key is to release tension not, add to it. Use paper plates and plastic cups to reduce the amount of work.
Take a break- Take time to relax, sleep, and maybe even take a vacation if you can. Your body does not only need it, you deserve it.
Live stress free, be happy and smile always. Never let that stress feeling bother your lovely life. There's no reason for you to make your life looks dull and always find the way to solve your problem.
That's all, thank you.
ReplyDeletei've read a article about abortion..nowadays,many woman that interested to make abortion as their wrong way to solve their problem..Last week i had open my pendrive to delete some files. Suddenly, i saw a folder with a title abortion. I opened it and there were two videos of abortion process. On one of the videos, there are the teenager girl was talking to a doctor. I can't heard what they said clearly but i can catch some dialouge that the girl said to the doctor "i want this thing out of my body. i want to go to school...." . The doctor then asked the girl to lay down on the bed. He then took out a hanger and bent it to form j shape. Suddenly, the most painfull incident happen when the doctor put the hanger into her vagina. The girl screamed in painful and she lookes like having the most suffering incidence. Then the doctor pull the hanger out and i can see the foetus stick to that hanger! after that, the doctor just threw the foetus onto the dustbin. To me it was an immoral deeds!! although i could see that the girl was crying but to me she deserved to be in painful and suffering like that! I then delete the videos because i don't want to keep it anymore.
hello everyone..
ReplyDeleteyesterday,i have read a article about how to make a good friends??we are as a human need friend because there are too important to us.
there are several ways to get it..
1. Spend more time around people. If you want to make friends, you first need to put yourself out there somehow. Friends don't come knocking on your door while you sit at home watching TV. If the people you're already around aren't friend material for whatever reasons, it's not the end of the world.
2. Talk to people. You can join a club, go to school, or go to church, and you still won't make friends if you don't actually talk to people. By the same token, you don't have to be involved with an organization to talk to people, and any time you talk to someone, you have a chance at making a lasting friend. You can talk to anybody: the clerk at the video store, the person sitting next to you on the bus, or the person in front of you on the lunch line. Don't be picky. Most conversations will be a dead-end of sorts, in that you may never talk to that person again or you'll just remain acquaintances, but once in a while you'll actually make a friend.
3. Initiate a get-together. You can chat your heart out but it won't get you far if you don't open up the opportunity for another meeting. This is especially important if you meet someone who you aren't otherwise likely to meet again. Seize the day!
4. Be a good friend. Once you've started spending time with potential friends, remember to do your part or else the friendship will become unbalanced and resentment is likely to arise.
ReplyDeletegood night to everyone..
this evening i have read neaws at nst..it's about Malaysians take part in Deepavali celebrations..yesterday,we have celebrated deepavali ceremony..in that news,the writer write that With the Hari Raya mood still in the air, Indians nationwide today celebrated a joyous Deepavali, with leaders and members of the community welcoming guests and friends at their open houses.
Blessed with fair weather in many areas, Hindu followers started their day with prayers at the temples followed by visits to open houses, a tradition practised by the country’s multi-racial community during major celebrations.
The MIC, a Barisan Nasional component party, held its open house at the Dewan Merdeka in Putra World Trade Centre, here from 10 am to 1 pm, attended by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Also present were Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and cabinet ministers.
The Malaysian Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry also took the opportunity to hold an open house at Bangunan Peladang, Jalan Klang Lama, Petaling Jaya.
In MALACCA, Hindu followers basked in the fair weather and visited family and friends during the festive occasion.
Malacca MIC chairman Datuk R. Ragavan hosted an open house at his residence in Taman Maju Jasin while State Transport, Information and Consumer Committee chairman R. Perumal held an open house at his home in Kampung Baru, Selandar.
A state-level Deepavali open house will be held at Padang Nyiru on Saturday, featuring cultural performances from India.
In KOTA BARU, Kelantan MIC chairman M. Kuppusamy said Deepavali this year was celebrated modestly with several religious programmes arranged.
More than 300 hampers were distributed to the less fortunate members of the community in Kuala Kerai yesterday.
Today’s public holiday also saw tourists flocking to three main shopping havens in Kelatan — the Rantau Panjang Duty-Free Zone, Pengkalan Kubor and Bukit Bunga.
In KOTA KINABALU, State MIC liaison chairman Datuk V. Jothi hosted an open house at the Likas Multi-purpose Hall near here.
Among the dignitaries there included Yang Dipertua Negeri Tun Ahmadshah Abdullah, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, state cabinet members as well as political and community leaders.
In ALOR STAR, Deepavali was celebrated modestly as seven districts in the state were still flooded.
However, this did not stop the people from attending open houses hosted by state leaders including Kedah MIC chairman Datuk V. Saravanan, state MIC deputy chairman Datuk S. Ganesan and executive councillor V. Arumugam.
Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak was among the guests at Arumugam’s open house.
In PENANG, Deepavali was celebrated modestly with Hindu followers taking the opportunity to seek blessings at temples.
The Balathandayuthabani Temple at Jalan Kebun Bunga was among the temples which attracted hundreds of Hindu followers.
assalamualaikum and hello..
ReplyDeletein the nst news that i have read the news intitled Raped by intruder..
it's so damn weird ti heard..it happen at Pontian..A 25-year-old woman who forgot to lock the front door of her house in Taman Megah was raped by an intruder yesterday morning. The woman woke up about 1am to find a masked man in her bedroom. After raping her, the man, believed to be in his 20s, robbed her of cash and valuables. She lodged a report at the Pontian district police headquarters. She said just before she went to bed, she had gone out to check on her laundry that was drying in the garden.
ReplyDeletelast week,i've watching a movie that most interested for me..this movie named is cj7..cj7 ia a comedy about a poor laborer father played by stephen chow and his young son.when a fascinating and strange new pet enters their lives,they learn a poignant lesson about the true nature of family and the things money can't buy.
ReplyDeletelets everyone know about deepavali..the festival that we celebrate along this month by hindus..
What is Deepavali?
Learn about the festival celebrated by Hindus which is known as 'Deepavali'.
A colorful festival that is celebrated by all Hindus worldwide is Deepavali, which is also known as the festival of lights. This festival usually falls around late October and November. One important practice that the Hindus follow during the festival is to light oil lamps in their homes on Deepavali morning. By lighting the oil lamps, the Hindus are thanking the gods for the happiness, knowledge, peace and wealth that they have received. The Hindus consider Deepavali as one of the most important festivals to celebrate.
The Legend -There is even an interesting legend behind this festival. The story goes that Narakasura, a demon, ruled the kingdom of Pradyoshapuram. Under his rule, the villagers suffered a lot of hardship as the demon tortured the people and kidnapped the women to be imprisoned in his palace. Seeing his wickedness, Lord Khrishna set out to destroy the demon and the day Narakasura died was celebrated as Deepavali, the triumph of good over evil!
Preparations -Preparation for Deepavali starts usually at least two to three weeks before the festival. It is known that the Hindus will be busy cleaning their houses to prepare for the festival. Some would even renovate their houses to prepare it for Deepavali. Usually the family will shop for new clothes and for accessories to decorate their homes. Prior to the festival, Indian shops will be selling festive items like Deepavali greeting cards, carpets, Punjabi suits and flowers. The Hindus will frequent these shops when they are shopping for Deepavali.
Celebrations -The Hindus usually awake early in the morning of deepavali around 3am and the first ritual will be having an oil bath, which is an important feature of Deepavali. Hindus will be dressed in their new clothes on Deepavali. Most of the ladies would be clad in silk saris or Punjabi suits of various bright shades. Hindus particularly dislike dressing in black on that day, as they consider black an inauspicious color for the festival. Hindus would also pay their respects to the elderly and most families would go to the temple after having breakfast. This is also an important practice for them. The reason why they would be going to the temples is to pray to get happiness and prosperity on Deepavali. The houses would be decorated with oil lamps and children will play with firecrackers to celebrate the festival. On the first day, they would not go visiting but would stay at home to welcome the guests who visit them.
Food -Visiting Hindus during Deepavali will be an interesting activity, as you will get to taste a wide variety of delicious food. In every home that you visit you are bound to be served with a tempting spread of sweets. Some of the popular sweets are halwa, burfi and laddu. Hindus love eating spicy food and for non-vegetarians they indulge in favorites like chicken tandoori, prawn sambal and fish head curry. In homes of Hindus who are vegetarians popular dishes like thosais, idlis and naans are prepared.
Assalamualaikum and hello to miss Syafawati and friends..
ReplyDeleteI want to share about the novel I have read before. But it is Malay Novel. It is the story about a girl which name Farah Diba whose live without her father care. Her father is the one of the sucessful bussinessman but her father always ignore her and treat her not as his daughter. Her father become like that because he hate woman and think woman as same as his father, Farhana who ran away and destroy the family.She always try to make her father care of her, but it failed.
One day, her father mising when diving in one of island in Australia with her brothers. In this situation, she has to take over the company to avoid her uncle from destroyed it. She give the best her best to save the company. But, when her father back, he never appreciate it.
At the last, her father realize his fault and apologize to Farah with what he had done. And they live happily. This show how strenght the family love and the important relationship between the children with their family.
Good Evening Miss...
ReplyDeleteLast week I have read one interest articles that attracted me...Well....as we know,all of us have a dreams to get marriage in future..."HOW TO HANDLE WEDDING STRESS" such a attractive topic for me...It gave lots of tips to encounter this thing in future..wow!haha..
Hence..here I want to share a bit of tips of it:
1.Consider hiring a wedding planner.They will help you to coordinate the wedding ceremony and reception, and assure they run smoothly so you won't have to worry.
2.Start an exercise program or join a yoga class. This also helps to relieve stress and will aid you in getting a good night's sleep and gives
effect on your figure.
3. Enjoy lunch and a spa day with a special girlfriend/boyfriend. Pamper yourself with a facial, massage, pedicure-the works.
4. Plan something fun. You have appointments and meetings you have to keep, but don't forget life's small pleasures. Have lunch with your fiancé and make a point of talking about something other than the wedding. Go window-shopping. Enjoy a movie with friends.
5. Practice relaxation and breathing techniques in the weeks before the wedding. If you feel yourself becoming anxious during the wedding day, breathe deeply, fully inhaling and exhaling, to calm yourself.
If you feel stressed about your wedding, remember what the day is really all about. You're marrying the person you love, the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. Keeping that in mind often helps give brides perspective on little things that might not be perfect or which are beyond her/his power to change.
That the some of the tips. Hopefully our dreams will come true....
Lyntia Ping Jawa
ReplyDeletetoday i will share with all of you about one more novel that i have read. the title is "PERFUME"
this story is quite interesting for those people who loved perfumes just like me.
the story line is about one boy who was abandon by his mother and was raised in orphanage house, he was born with very good smells sensor and one day he was attracted to the smell of perfume and start from the day he create a lot of good perfumes for his master the shopkeeper.
his master told him that there were 13 different notes of smells in 1 set of perfume and people only manage to find 1 to 12 notes but the last notes still mystery until that day.
start from that day he was making a lot of perfume to get the last note but he failed and one day he got an idea to make 1 set of perfume by using human body and he start killing people to make the perfume, after making 12 perfumes by using 12 dead body he combined all the perfumes and he manage to create the last notes.
at the end of the story he killed himself because he dont want the secrete to be revealed.
ReplyDeletemiss I just to mention that Perak is much better than Pahang...
no offense...
It's not that I didn't like here but it's really make me to suffocate when I stay at place that "jin tendang"
i will tell some place that are best in Perak..
The palce is called Pulau Sembilan..
Just 10 miles south of Pulau Pangkor lies a cluster of nine islands called Pulau Sembilan: Pulau Agas, Pulau Payong, Pulau Nipis, Pulau Rumbia, Pulau Lalang, Pulau Saga, Pulau Buluh, Black Rock and White Rock.
Secluded and uninhabited, they are popular with campers during weekends and public holidays, especially from November to March.
The favourite of the nine is Pulau Lalang, which has a refreshing clear stream and soft sandy beach ideal for camping.
And miss I have to touch something here as a muslim...
It's that I racist or what...
It just I have read about what Lilian said and I found that its totally unacceptable..
Lilian for the truth you can married with muslim but you must changes your religion
and u must left all the things that are restricted in our religion...
I think you has been asking the question to the wrong person..
maybe you ask that to astora jabat...
for further information you just can ask the caunselor or any muslim lecturer in UMP...
ReplyDeleteWhat is a true friend? A true friend says what they think their friend needs to hear even when they know that their friend may get angry. A true friend doesn't leave because they are afraid to be with you. A true friend doesn't leave when the fun stops and things get uncomfortable There are just of few of the values that real friends hold dear. In short, A true friend recognizes the value of the friendship and holds it sacred.
You never see me, but I always see you.
You're in my mind, my thoughts, and all my dreams too.
You think you're imperfect in every single way, that there's no reason that you should stay.
There is a reason, a simple one really, just open your eyes so you can see clearly.
The sky, the mountains, the air we breathe, why in the world would you want to leave?
You give hopefulness to a heart that’s filled with despair, you help free the souls that would never care.
You can't go, you just have to stay, because if you left, it'd hurt too much to say.
Shafiah Bt Abdul Rahim
Section A14
March 28 is earth hour, the hole world Participated Earth Hour, which ran from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., resulted in a 1 percent drop in the Chicago area's energy use. The 100-megawatt reduction is equal to removing 154,500 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or planting 19 acres of trees.
ReplyDeleteEarth Hour, which is in its third year, encourages people across the globe to conserve energy by turning off all nonessential lights for one hour. More than 2,800 cities worldwide, including Homer Glen, Lockport and Chicago, officially participated in the event this year.
The March 28 energy drop wasn't as dramatic as last year's, when residents shaved 7 percent off their typical energy use during Earth Hour. The weekend's cold, rainy weather probably meant more people used their heaters, offsetting the energy savings from turning off the lights.
But what Earth Hour may have lacked in punch, it made up for in participation. More than 60 businesses in Homer Glen alone dimmed their lights during Earth Hour this year.
An Earth Hour ceremony at McDonald's at 143rd Street and Bell Road in Homer Glen also drew a crowd, with more than 50 people attending.
ReplyDeleteIn my past comment,I had talked about a marriage. Know, I want to talk about a divorce. Divorce is a life-transforming experience for all parties involved. Long-time researcher-author Judith Wallerstein reported many of the children in her longitudinal study on divorce weren’t aware their parents were having serious problems; their parents' divorce marked the end of their childhood. Wallerstein says a family break-up is so detrimental to kids because "children identify not only with their mother and father as separate individuals, but with the relationship between them." From the child’s perspective, mother and father are a naturally inseparable unit.
Compared to children from intact homes, children of divorce are far more likely to struggle academically, engage in drug and alcohol use and other high-risk behaviors, commit suicide, experience psychiatric problems, live in poverty, and have a greater likelihood to divorce themselves. Thirty years of research conclusively shows its harm to children in virtually every measure. Studies support marital longevity as a vital component of good health for children and adults alike.
So, for those who are married, please take good care about your family and the relationship between you and your partner. Try to solve the problem in a good ways and avoid a divorce. It is because, your children will be a victim of all the decision that you have made between both of you and they will learn something bad and will affect on their growth. Think about it and take a lesson from this article. Thank you.
Hello everyone...
ReplyDeleteI would like to share with you about health information. Nowadays, many people want to look a beautiful especially women. They tried every pill that sell at market without have permission from government, diet and many step that they use to become beautiful. Actually, if you want to be beautiful, many tips and safe step you can follow. If not, you can get a sick. Sometimes, have a woman want to be a beautiful and thin even she is already thin. They not satisfied with their body and do a wrong diet again and make the body so thin. That is call anorexia. So, I want to talk about symptoms of anorexia and my advice to the diets entire, do a safe diet if you want to be beautiful from you get any danger disease.
Possibly the most bewildering symptom of eating disorders is the distorted body image (body dysmorphia). Although people typically associate distorted body image with severe anorexia, one study indicated that distortion may be more prevalent in people with bulimia. People with bulimia were more likely than those with anorexia to overestimate their size. There was also a greater disparity between what they wanted to look like and what they believed they looked like.
People with bulimia nearly always practice it in secret, and, although they may be underweight, they are not always anorexic. Symptoms or signs of bulimia may, therefore, be very subtle and go unnoticed. They may include:
• Evidence of discarded packaging for laxatives, diet pills, emetics (drugs that induce vomiting), or diuretics (medications that reduce fluids)
• Regularly going to the bathroom right after meals
• Suddenly eating large amounts of food or buying large quantities that disappear right away
• Compulsive exercising
• Broken blood vessels in the eyes (from the strain of vomiting)
• Pouch-like appearance to the corners of the mouth due to swollen salivary glands (occurs within days of vomiting in about 8% of people with bulimia)
• Dry mouth
• Tooth cavities, diseased gums, and irreversible enamel erosion from excessive acid
• Rashes and pimples
• Small cuts and calluses across the tops of finger joints due to self-induced vomiting
Weight loss. The primary symptom of anorexia is major weight loss from excessive and continuous dieting, which may either be restrictive dieting or binge-eating and purging.
Other symptoms of anorexia may include:
• Infrequent or absent menstrual periods
• Compulsive exercising coupled with excessive thinness
• Refusal to eat in front of others
• Ritualistic eating, including cutting food into small pieces
• Hypersensitivity to cold, some women wear several layers of clothing to both keep warm and hide their thinness
• Yellowish skin, especially on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, from eating too many vitamin A-rich vegetables such as carrots
• Dry skin covered with fine hair
• Thin scalp hair
• Cold or swollen feet and hands
• Stomach problems, including bloating after eating
• Confused or slowed thinking
• Poor memory or judgment
Do you know rose??A rose is a perennial flower shrub or vine of the genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae, that contains over 100 species and comes in a variety of colors. The species form a group of erect shrubs, and climbing or trailing plants, with stems that are often armed with sharp prickles. It is a common error to refer to roses having thorns. But thorns are modified leaves, whereas these sharp protrusions on a rose are modified epidermal tissues (prickles). Most are native to Asia, with smaller numbers of species native to Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. Natives, cultivars and hybrids are all widely grown for their beauty and fragrance. [1]
ReplyDeleteThe leaves are alternate and pinnately compound, with sharply toothed oval-shaped leaflets. The plant's fleshy edible fruit is called a rose hip. Rose plants range in size from puny, miniature roses, to climbers that can reach 20 meters in height. Species from different parts of the world easily hybridize, which has given rise to the many types of garden roses.
The name originates from Latin rosa, borrowed from Oscan from colonial Greek in southern Italy: rhodon (Aeolic form: wrodon), from Aramaic wurrdā, from Assyrian wurtinnu, from Old Iranian *warda (cf. Armenian vard, Avestan warda, Sogdian ward, Parthian wâr).[2][3]
Attar of rose is the steam-extracted essential oil from rose flowers that has been used in perfumes for centuries. Rose water, made from the rose oil, is widely used in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine. The French are known for their rose syrup, most commonly made from an extract of rose petals. In the United States, this French rose syrup is used to make rose scones.
Rose hips are occasionally made into jam, jelly, and marmalade, or are brewed for tea, primarily for their high Vitamin C content. They are also pressed and filtered to make rose hip syrup. Rose hips are also used to produce Rose hip seed oil, which is used in skin products and some makeup products.
.::Nadia Ashikin binti Zainal Bahri::.
Assalamualaikum to my teacher…
ReplyDeleteI hope you are happy always..
The next novel that I already write is “THE LAKE HOUSE” . so I want to share summary of this novel together with you all. This book is a sequel to Patterson’s "When The Wind Blows" in which he introduces the six genetically altered children that can fly while still maintaining their human traits while equiped with wings. In this novel the children are back and they are involved in an adventure that could cost them their lives. Their adventure involves a mad doctor that wants to use the children in a project in order to fulfill his desire to preserve eternal life but, only for a few very afluent males.. In the first book the children are rescued by an FBI agent and a veterinarian. The rescue forms a close bond between the children and their human rescuers. The bond is so strong that the children want the two rescuers to be their foster parents. This involves them in a legal custody battle with their biological parents. Yes, the children do have human biological parents. They were kidnapped and genetically altered becoming part human and part bird. The six children are very close to each other and travel in a flock as birds do. However, their human traits are also present and an important part of their being. This book is very different from the usual James Patterson murder mysteries because it smacks heavily of science fiction. The flying children and their human and bird anatomy are very believable. His scientific research is well done. Patterson assimilates mystery and science fiction well and makes this a most interesting novel. Throughout the novel I kept asking myself “where is Patterson going with this?” As I kept reading I could almost hear Patterson saying “Follow me closely and I will show you where this is going.” It was worth it. The book is a great read. I like this book.
Halimatul Syahida binti Mohamad Sanusi
Assalamualaikum to all my friend and my teacher…
ReplyDeleteI hope you all in a pink of hearth.
Now, I want to share another story with you all. This story also is quiet interesting and enjoy. Here, have some summary that I write so that you all can know what this story. The Queen and I is a hilarious novel that pokes fun at the British royal family by setting up an unrealistic yet wonderfully imaginative scenario. The “republicans” have won the latest election in Britain and have decided that all the royal family’s possessions will be seized and they will be forced to make their own way in the world. They are plunged into instant poverty and must make ends meet in the real world. This novel will probably not be greeted with warmth by royalists but is guaranteed to have you in fits of laughter otherwise. The queen herself adopts the stiff upper lip approach and tries to get along with her new life only to find that a can of corned beef really is too much to deal with and can’t get the thing open to save her life. Prince Philip is devastated and takes to his bed indefinitely, Prince Charles ends up in gaol after having a scrap with one of the neighbours and must suffer the loss of his organic garden, and Anne manages to get by because she has a horse! It is really a laugh a minute and extremely enjoyable. If only it were true!. I like to read this story.
Halimatul Syahida binti Mohamad Sanusi
Assalamualaikum and greetings to all..
ReplyDeleteThe novel with the title The Dirty Girls Social Club was atracted me.
this is about a reunion of three bestfriend after they are ended their degree from Boston University.
This novel issued about a social live a gruop of woman with fully with happy and have any behaviuor and very hate the pretending.
This novel is also issued about prejudis, a hard to get respect from Latin guy but stabble with love story and adding with the story about clothes and accessories will make you satisfied after you read this.
Nurul Hidayah bt kadzim
Assalamualaikum to Miss and all friends
I know most of us are like to eat an egg. So, today I want to share a bit thing about egg. I had read an article that telling about the true egg facts but its sound is quite incredible.
1)When the Bulls’ Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen were in their prime, Jordan liked to say that they were “ham-and-egging.” This meant that one of them would start strong and the other would finish strong. And opponents were toast.
2)At breakfast, President Woodrow Wilson drank two raw eggs in juice.
3)To demonstrate his versatility, the Japanese master artist Hokusai sometimes painted using the stick end of the brush, or with his fingers, or with chicken eggs.
4)Paul McCartney came up with the melody for “Yesterday” long before he had the words. While searching for just the right lyrics, he and John Lennon referred to the song as “Scrambled Eggs,” which had the same meter as the eventual title. “We called it ‘Scrambled Eggs’ and it became a joke between us,” Lennon said. “… Then one morning Paul woke up and the song and the title were both there, completed. I was sorry in a way, we had so many laughs about it.”
5)A common numbers racket in the ’30s and ’40s was called “butter and eggs.” Gamblers would bet on the closing commodity prices for butter and eggs. Before that, a “butter-and-egg man” was slang for a visitor with a lot of money, a yokel ready to be separated from his funds.
6)In golfing slang, a ball half-buried in a sand bunker is called a ‘fried egg’. In diner slang, if you want to order scrambled eggs on toast, you say, ‘Adam and Eve on a raft, and wreck’.
7)Nobody seems sure about the Benedict who was honored by eggs Benedict. According to one story, LeGard Benedict, a customer at the Farmed New York restaurant Delmonico’s, asked the chef to invent a new egg dish. But a rival story says the dish was inspired by Harry Benedict, a customer at the Waldorf Astoria in New York who wanted a meal to help him overcome a hangover.
8)The Easter bunny must have been wearing jackboots in Tumwater, Wash in February 2006. Resident found neo-Nazi leaflets taped to plastic Easter eggs and scattered on their front lawns. The ethnic slurs were appalling, but residents found the Easter to be particularly offensive. “They shouldn’t be doing the eggs”, said Shirley Westman. “That’s not right at all”.
9)Joseph Coyle, who ran a small newspaper in the 1910s in British Columbia, quit the news business after inventing a different paper product: the egg carton.
10)Birds generally lay eggs that are 1 to 10 percent of their body weight. But the kiwi produces a single egg that is 20-25 percent of its weight. The San Diego Zoo’s Website compares it to a 120 pound human female giving birth to a 24 pound baby.
Thanks to all because want to read this..
Assalamualaikum and good morning..
ReplyDeleteI found an article title "The secrets of a success mindset". Its sound interesting for me. So, I want to share with you all.
You hear it all the time: "success is a state of mind." There are people who would argue that success is a natural result of proper planning, preparation and focused action, and that viewpoint certainly holds a grain of truth - but there are also many exceptions to disprove that "rule." Have you ever wondered how two people can attempt the same objective in the same way and only one of them succeed? Is it sheer luck? Timing? Tenacity? More often than not, it's a person's mind-set that determines whether they fail or succeed.
What is a mind-set, anyway? Typically a mind-set refers to your predominant state of mind day to day. It's what you think about, focus on, and expect from your daily experiences. Think negatively, expect the worst, feel pessimistic about your options and that's exactly what you'll seem to draw into your life. Likewise, think positively, expect the best and focus on a successful outcome and you get it most of the time.
Makes sense, right? But how exactly does this work? Why is a success mind-set so important? There are three big reasons:
1) A success mind-set boosts your confidence and self-belief.
A lack of belief in yourself usually comes along with a sense of powerlessness and futility, which is the exact opposite of a success mind-set. Lack of confidence means you see no point in trying to be successful because it won't happen anyway. Obviously, this type of mind-set is a recipe for failure in any endeavor.
Having a true success mind-set, on the other hand, means you believe in yourself and your capabilities. You believe you can succeed at nearly anything you try, and you're willing to give it your best shot. Even better, the more you do try, the more confidence and self-belief you build - until you're virtually unstoppable!
2) A success mind-set strengthens your determination.
Without a success mind-set, one failure is enough to convince you that pursuing your goals is a waste of time. Tenacity and determination don't exist in your world. If you don't become a raging success the first time you try, you surmise that it simply wasn't meant to be. Unfortunately, few things worth having are obtained so easily!
A success mind-set, however, strengthens your awareness that a failure is not the end of the story - it's just one more way that didn't work out the way you planned. In fact, a true success mind-set makes it obvious that the only true failure occurs when you stop trying.
3) A success mind-set encourages fruitful actions.
Have you ever found yourself wandering in circles because you didn't know the best way to approach a specific goal? Perhaps you had an idea of the best course of action but you felt intimidated by some of the action steps required. As a result, you may have kept sabotaging your efforts as you searched in vain for an easier or less frightening way to your goal.
With a true success mind-set, you'll always know the most effective action steps that will lead directly to your goal. As already discussed, you'll also have the inner confidence and determination to pursue them - which is a sure recipe for . . . you guessed it; success!
If I had to sum up how to develop a success mind-set into as few words as possible, I'd say this:
- Go for your dreams.
- Think positively.
- Believe in yourself.
- Believe you can do better.
- Learn, grow and develop yourself.
- Be willing to take chances.
- Give it your all.
- Expect the best in every situation.
- Be willing to fail.
- When you fall down, get back up and try again.
Keep doing that and you can't help but become successful, from the inside out.
That's all. Thank you.
Greetings again to all..
ReplyDeleteI've just read a news entitled, "Cops sieze contraband cigarettes worth RM500,000".
The news were read like this,
"MUAR: Police raided a semi-detached house with windows sealed with iron plates and armed with alarm sensors and seized more than RM500,000 worth of contraband cigarettes.
The house, located near Taman Lau Eng Teng, was empty during the raid by nine policemen from the Muar marine base at about 10pm on Friday.
Commanding officer Asst Supt Lajir Tahir said Saturday that although the house was surrounded by alarm sensors, no alarm was triggered when the door was broken.
The team, headed by Insp Mohd Naser Marzuke, found more than 1,800 cartons of contraband cigarettes, including those from China.
“We suspect the house is a distributing centre for smuggled cigarettes as there were stacks of empty boxes in the living room,” he told reporters Saturday.
ASP Lajis said the success was due to public tip-off and policemen staked the house for about one month before conducting the raid.
He said the cigarettes, including more than 500 cartons of Gudang Garam brand, were sent to the Customs Department."
This shows that, no matter how we hide our misdeed, we still will get caught or people will still figure out.
People always take the easiest path to get rich and normally that path is illegal and other people may suffer from it.
The moral is, we must choose the right path to succeed so that we won't regret it in the future. Instead, we will satisfy more because, all that effort we have been put through is legal and we'll get reward from it.
Assalamualaikum to Miss and all my fellow friends.....
ReplyDeleteI already read about ‘DARK CHOCOLATE’. I am the chocolate lover, so here is some information about chocolate; chocolate contains some of the same disease-fighting antioxidants as red wine, fruit and vegetables. In fact, a 50g bar of the dark chocolate offers about the same amount of antioxidants protection as a 150 ml glass of Cabernet. Tests conducted in Japan on human blood samples found that some antioxidants extracted from chocolate suppressed cell-damaging chemicals and boosted immune function. More recently, the British Medical Journal reported that people who regularly eat chocolate live up to a year longer than those who avoid it altogether. The study, which examined health records of 7841 men, found that people who ate modest amounts of chocolate arc-from one to three a month – had a 36 per cent lower risk of death than those who abstained.
Thank you