Thursday, March 5, 2009



  1. Good evening,
    Do you all used to hear a father raped his daughter in Malaysia? No. This is due to our races do not allow us to do so and our minded though are open but we still rational and know what things can be do and can't. In the other way round, westerner will do according to their lust. Well, this is really shameful. Ever wonder why this thing would happen? Logically think, first is because of parents problem. Either the mother divorced with the father and left her daughter with her dad, then her dad slash all the lust on her. This case really happen in United Kingdom. In addition, this case really cruel to the victim. The most important thing is the victim is the raper's daughter. In my opinion, we should KNOW what are we doing but not do what you WANT to do!
    I'd include the article along here. Get a read on it:


    CELLAR monster Josef Fritzl admitted his horrific incest crimes yesterday as jurors heard how he kept his daughter in a dungeon as a sex slave for 24 years. The retired engineer used Elisabeth “like his own property”, raping her more than 3,000 times and fathering seven children with her in the dark cellar under his home. For the first nine years of her captivity, Fritzl never spoke a word to his terrified daughter but would go downstairs to rape her three times a week. After pleading guilty to a catalogue of sickening offences, the 73-yeard-old squirmed only once when the state prosecutor said: “Mr Fritzl, how could you do this to your own flesh and blood?” The jury heard how he lured his 18-year-old daughter into the windowless cellar under his home in the Austrian town of Amstetten. For the next 24 years she was never able to stand up properly again as the ceiling was just 5ft high. To add to her misery, Fritzl would sometimes turn the power off for up to 10 days at a time. Four years into her ordeal, Elisabeth fell pregnant with the first of seven children but Fritz left his daughter to give birth alone on a filthy mattress with just a self-help pregnancy book, a pair of dirty scissors and some nappies. The jury of four men and four women listened in horror as the state prosecutor described in harrowing detail the scale of abuse Elisabeth was forced to endure for more than two decades.

    He used her like a toy.

    Prosecutor Christiane Burkheiser

    Prosecutor Christiane Burkheiser said: “In the first years, she had no washbasin, no bath, no shower, often no heat. He would come, switch the lights off, rape her, leave. Lights off. Rape. Lights on. Mould. Damp. Leave. “There was no fresh air. In those first years the air came through gaps in the walls. He used her like a toy. He came, he took her, he left.” Earlier, Fritzl had tried to hide his face in shame behind a blue lever-arch folder as he shuffled into the courtroom escorted by police. The court listened in stunned silence as Fritzl pleaded guilty to rape, incest and false imprisonment but denied enslaving his daughter and murdering one of the children he fathered with her. He is accused of failing to seek medical treatment for the boy who developed breathing difficulties three days after birth, leaving him to die. And when asked, “How do you plead to the charge of carrying out more than 3,000 rapes on your daughter during her time in the cellar”, Fritzl replied: “Only partly guilty.” His lawyer Rudolf Mayer had earlier said: “There is rape, and there is rape.” Elisabeth was 18 in 1984 when she was tricked into the dungeon Fritzl had built beneath the family home. The prosecutor told the jury: “He took her downstairs on the pretext he needed help moving a door and he drugged her and dragged her into the cellar where he tied her up. “On the second day he put a noose around her waist which severely restricted her freedom even in the small room in which she was confined. How big was that room? It was 18 square metres. It is virtually the same size as the jury box in which you are sitting.” For the first three years of her incarceration there was no hot water or heating until Fritzl connected a power supply. Ms Burkheiser added: “Fritzl used his daughter like his property. He made her completely dependent. “He decided what kind of food was brought into the dungeon. He decided when food was brought. “Often the electricity would fail for hours at a time or longer. Sometimes the electricity would be off for up to 10 days. During that time they would be left without any light. There was no flashlight and no candles. “With no electricity they had no water and no warm food. Even though there were babies to feed.” The prosecutor also revealed that Fritzl repeatedly raped his daughter without saying a word to her for the first nine years of her lengthy imprisonment. “But worse than all these conditions and the rape was the uncertainty,” she said. “When would he come and when would he go? How long would he say? Would he even come back from his holidays?” And when the children started to arrive, Fritzl would rape his daughter in front of them, said the prosecutor. Elisabeth gave birth to seven children in the cellar. Of the six who survived, Fritzl took three upstairs to be raised by his wife Rosemarie after telling her they had been abandoned by Elisabeth, who had “joined a cult”.
    The other three – Kerstin, Stefan and Felix – were forced to live in the cellar with their mother. Using a laser pen, Ms Burkheiser showed how cramped the airless cellar was with its low ceiling. “I have been to the cellar twice,” she said. “It smells. It is incredibly damp. It has a morbid atmosphere that hits you as you crawl through the entrance. “The damp creeps in within minutes. The dampness crept into their backs and into their bones. There is wet rot. He was the absolute ruler of this kingdom. He had complete control.” She went towards the jurors with a box of musty objects and scraps of cloth from the cellar to give them a sense of the windowless tomb. “Smell these things,” she urged the jury, who winced at the stench when a cuddly toy owned by Elisabeth’s youngest son Felix was removed from a plastic evidence bag.

    Fritzl even warned his victims that the cellar was fitted with booby traps that would lead to gassing and electrocution should they try to escape. “But she would never have tried,” added Ms Burkheiser. “Elisabeth Fritzl was a broken woman.”

    Her ordeal ended only last year when her daughter Kerstin, 19, fell ill and Elisabeth persuaded Fritzl to take her to hospital, sparking an investigation by the authorities. Elisabeth, 42, was finally freed together with Stefan, 18, and Felix, five, who had spent their entire lives in the underground hell-hole.

    Focusing on the emotionless figure in the dock, Ms Burkheiser said: “Look at him with his polite demeanour.

    “He will present to you a caring side, a selfless person, the nice man from next door. But what really troubles me is that he has not shown a single sign of regret.”

    She is pressing for life imprisonment in an institution for the criminally insane.

    None of Fritzl’s victims was present in court for the opening of the trial. They are spending the week in a psychiatric clinic to escape the publicity surrounding the case.

    Four expert witnesses are ready to give evidence if necessary: A doctor who specialises in new-borns, a psychiatrist and an electrical engineer and a surveyor who inspected the dungeon.

    Thank You
    SECTION 14

  2. Assalamualaikum and peace to all...

    In a busy daily life, sometimes we forget to smile.

    Here I want share with you about reasons to smile...

    1. Smiling makes us attractive
    We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away ,but a smile draws them in.

    2.Smiling changes our mood
    Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.

    3. Smiling is Contagious
    When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.

    4. Smiling Relieves Stress
    Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.

    5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System
    Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. revent the flu and colds by smiling.

    6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure
    When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home.
    Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?

    7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin
    Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.

    8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger
    The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day!you'll look younger and feel better.

    9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful
    Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.

    10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive
    Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.

    So what are you waiting for?


    Wan Atikah Bt Haji Wan Omar

  3. Assalamualaikum and good evening to every one...

    Today,I want share with every one about public speaking..I think every one does not like public speaking right???

    I also does not like public speaking very much.This is because,when I speak in front of public,I feel nerves...

    Do you know what is public speaking????

    Public speaking means to speak or present your ideas in public.It can happen to anyone at anytime and anywhere.One may be asked to speak at celebrations like weddings,engagements,farewell gatherings,appointments or at the workplace such as in meetings,briefings,office tours,and the list goes on.

    For many people,the thought of speaking in public is terrifying and stressful.They break out in cold sweat;their stomachs turn upside down and they lose ability to think.Even experienced sppeakers feel nervous at first but the difference between an experienced speaker and an inexperienced one is that for the latter,the nerves are all the more apparent when he or she speaks.

    We should have the high confident in our selves to speaks up in front of public.We also should train our selves to love public speaking so that we can perform better in job field soon...

    Thank you...


  4. Assalamualaikum and very good evening for Miss,

    At last night, I have read an article that gives us some information when going to an interview. I think this article is very important to me because I will go to interview at someday. So, I will share it with you and all my friends.

    1. The most important thing you must do before going to an interview is to find out as much as you can about the company you have applied to. Access its website for more information or ask your friends or obtain some information from the company in advanced. By going to an interview prepared and be able to demonstrate at least a basic knowledge of the company’s business shows that you are actively interested in it rather than simply seeking any job anywhere.

    2. Prepare some questions in advance about the specific job you have applied for and also about the company in general. Again, this will demonstrate your knowledge and interest in both the company and the job.

    3. Dress according to the company’s dress code. If you are unsure as to what this is, err on the side of caution and dress formally. Nothing would be more intimidating than sitting in an interview in casual clothes being interviewed by someone in a three-piece suit.

    4. Body language is the other thing to be well aware of. If you have a video camera, use it for practice. Otherwise, a mirror will do. Hand and arm movements should not be too large. And do not fiddle. Your posture should be relaxed but alert as well. Never slouch. Sitting slouch in a chair and looking around the room gives the impression that you are not really interested or enthusiastic, whereas sitting slightly forward in your seat and engaging your interview’s eyes gives the impression that you are interested job.

    5. If you look bored at an interview, very likely the recruiter will presume that you would be bored in the job too. So communicate interest and energy throughout the interview.

    6. Almost inevitably during the course of the interview, you will be required to respond to a number of standard questions. Again, it is advisable to have the basis of your response thought out in advance. Identify your strengths and weaknesses, be honest and do not make a positive statement into a weakness.

    7. Keep your answers as short and as clear as possible by using specific examples or scenarios to demonstrate your experience, ability and knowledge. Consider your long term career goals and personal attributes. You must be honest, for example do not position yourself as a team player if you are a loner. It may get you the job in the short term, you will be unhappy and will look for another job.

    So, I hope we can perform the best when we are interviewed.

    Thank you.

    SECTION 14

  5. Assalamualaikum
    LIFE... Life is a characteristic of organisms that exhibit certain biological processes such as chemical reactions or other events that results in a transformation. Living organisms are capable of growth and reproduction, some can communicate and many can adapt to their environment through changes originating internally. That statement was edit from the Life Encyclopaedia. Its said that it is a physical characteristic of life is that it feeds on negative entropy. In more detail, according to physicists such as John Bernal, Erwin Schrödinger, Eugene Wigner, and John Avery, life is a member of the class of phenomena which are open or continuous systems able to decrease their internal entropy at the expense of substances or free energy taken in from the environment and subsequently rejected in a degraded form. I cant describe what life is but it’s a process. A process of development and being communicate in order to complete the cycle of living. Communicate to each other, to animal, to non-living thing and to the one who give me life.
    An entity with the above properties is considered to be a living organism, hence, a 'life form'. However, not every definition of life considers all of these properties to be essential. For example, the capacity for evolution is sometimes taken as the only essential property of life; this definition notably includes viruses, which do not qualify under narrower definitions as they are a cellular and do not metabolize.
    A diverse array of living organisms can be found in the biosphere on Earth. Properties common to these organisms(plants, animals, fungi, protists, archaea and bacteria) are a carbon and water based cellular form with complex organization and heritable genetic information. They undergo metabolism, possess a capacity to grow, respond to stimuli, reproduce and, through natural selection, adapt to their environment in successive generations. So far, there is no evidence of extraterrestrial life. Thank you

    Al-shaquerin B Katman

  6. Assalamualaikum and hello to everyone...

    This time,I want to share an article that I have read this morning.The article is about music and the brain.I think this is an interesting article because I like to listen to the music very much.

    As we know,music is so naturally united with us that we cannot be free from it even if we so desired.In general,responses to music are able to observed.It has been proven that music influences humans both in good and bad ways.
    Music also affects breathing rate and electrical resistance of the skin.It has been observed to cause people to dilate,increase blood pressure and increase the heart rate.

    Music has power on memory and learning.Mozart's music and baroque music,activate left and right brain.The information being studied activates the left brain and the music activates the right brain.

    One simple way students can improve tests scores is by listening to music like Mozart's Sonata for Two Piano's in D Major before taking a test.This type of music releases neurons in the brain which help the body to relax.

    As the conclusion,one cannot deny the power of music.High school students who study while listening to music have higher grade points averages than others who don't.These student also develop faster physically.Their listening skills are also improved through music education.

    That's all.
    Thank you.



    An average person who uses a computer would usually just walk away from it when you’re done, or if you’re gone for an extended time (and they know about it in advance) they'll probably put it in sleep. I (myself) use to keep my computer on about 8 hours a day, just saying I'll comeback to it later. Well there are many ways to save electricity.

    Many people and business use CRT monitors because they might have it from an old computer and say "Hey, why buy a new monitor works just fine, I'll save money." So if you have a CRT and switch to a LCD an average would save 13.28 dollars. If you had a choice of buying the CRT and a LCD you would only lose 11.72 dollars. A cheap price to help the Earth and have more room on your desk.



    For those who had problem sleeping at night like me, you can try all the tips to sleep well in this article. I am really frustrated when cannot go to sleep when its time to sleep. As student, we must get enough sleep. Therefore, we will not get sleepy in class and can give full focus in class. When we did not get enough sleep, we can easily feel tired and not energetic. This will make us miss our classes because of oversleep or not participate in class activities. We will miss a lot of things if we not get well sleep in the night. Therefore, after you read this article I hope you can get enough and restful sleep at night.


  9. assalammualaikum

    Petrol prices reduced

    I think this is what the Malaysian wait for .Petrol prices reduce again !!! Although this seem not much but it really help for the whole Malaysian . I hope that Malaysian will appreciate what have government done for us .I believe that this also help in our country economy . So if possible I also hope that everything will become cheaper and everyone become affordable to buy anything . Please do not simply waste the money so .


  10. hello..

    good night everybody..

    Summer Olympics
    2008 opening ceremony..

    Do you still remember this date 08/08/08? Yes, I am sure that every one is remember this amazing day . This is not only very meaningful to the China but all over to the world .
    What I admire is the spirit of the China organize the Olympic successfully especially the open ceremony . Due to the article we know that there are 15,000 performers are involved . Can’t you feel that is a big amount of number people to perform in a few hours?
    The title of Beijing Olympics is “one world , one dream” means that they are not just for the China but whole world .I think that this title is very suitable for this because every things happen around us is not only relate to your friends but is the whole society or even the world .
    Not only for the sport I think that in other field like the development of a country especially the third world country need the whole world’s help to improve they life .Give a hand to them because they are our family too .
    2008 Summer Olympics opening ceremony


  11. HELLO..

    today,i would like to talk about ripsteve..

    Actually this is an article that I have read a few weeks ago in order to present on a legend. Therefore as a group we chose on Steve Irwin. So I decided to read through the article once again. Reading through about his life really inspires me on learning and loving animals even more. Getting to know so much about a single creature is not as easy as it seems. It needs deep research. And having to be able to conduct a show about animals so successfully just like Steve Irwin, He had to someone with through love and care for animals. He didn'y do it to raise money but to care and learn about the wonderful unique creation of God.

    Steve Irwin was married to Terri Irwin and had two children: a daughter, Bindi Sue Irwin, and a son, Robert Clarence "Bob" Irwin.

    Irwin was as enthusiastic about his family as he was about his work. He once described his daughter Bindi as "the reason he was put on the Earth". His wife Terri once said, "The only thing that could ever keep him away from the animals he loves are the people he loves even more."

    Not only his love for animals but also for his family. He never fails to involve his whole family in his journey of adventure.

    I truly admire his enthusiasm,passion, bravery, lovingness and leadership quality.

    And I still stick to my choice that Steve Irwin is a Legend of great respect.


  12. DEATH NOTE..

    Yesterday night I saw a movie name “ L change the World “ . It is not the latest movie but I really interesting want to see this movie . Before this I have been saw the first edition of the Death Note and also the second edition . Actually who I admire is Light Yagami (Kira) but he died in second edition . That time I really surprise why the editor want him to be a dead .Anyway this is just a story .
    I not really like the characteristic of L because of his strange look and his attitude . But after I see the third edition movie “ L change The World “ I start love this character . Today I will introduce to you who is L .
    L is the world's top-rated detective, tasked with tracking down and arresting Kira. As such, he is Light's arch-enemy. His disheveled appearance masks his great powers of deduction and insight. L has many quirks, such as sitting in an odd manner, snacking on sweets constantly, and holding objects in a peculiar manner. He often takes drastic strategies to confuse and force the hand of his opponents. On several occasions he has willingly disclosed several of his weaknesses to Kira at the risk of his own life in the hopess that he would lure him into atrap .
    In the third edition , he is trying to help a girl and a boy from the inflection of bacteria . What I like is this movie is not only entertainment me but also tell me the reality of world . Some human always destroying the environment or even the human life just for their own benefit . L in this story is recue the human life by his intelligent . But I still do not know why he want to “kill himself” and who is the next character in 4th edition of Death Note ? I really think that this movie is very nice .If you have a chance u must see it .
    Thanks .



    Still remember the cracks appeared on the Middle Ring Road 2(MRR2) and blown up by the media?The issue is real and the risk on public safety is also something that no sensible engineers would dare to bear.It was closed for few time and took a very long time to repair because of these unsafety issues.But now,repairs to MRR2 completed,all lanes are now open.It will really ease the traffic for citizen again.



    I WONDER when was the last time the people of Sarawak and Sabah feel so good in being part of Malaysia as these past few months. Soon after the March 8 general election, the two East Malaysian states, often deemed by Sabahans and Sarawakians as the forgotten ‘old maids’ in Malaysia suddenly became so important to the centre.

    To put it bluntly, Malaya needs Sarawak and Sabah more (now than ever before) than Sarawak and Sabah need the peninsular. The Barisan Nasional government and the opposition Pakatan Rakyat in Malaya — oh, how much they want to woo East Malaysians now.

    The prime minister and his deputy had visited Sabah and Sarawak several times since the March polls, each time delivering goodies and leaving with promises of more deliveries. Oppositionist Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim also made similar visits, each time promising better days ahead and each time, leaving his charismatic stamp behind for new Anwarista recruits to savior.

    Of course, it is the numbers they want! What, do you think they consider Sarawak and Sabah so important if we have nothing to offer them? Between the two states, there are 54 seats in parliament — now that’s big deal, man!

    Every time the East Malaysian pendulum swings, the guys at the centre will sit up and watch. And right now, the whole nation is looking at September 16. Will it or will it not happen on September 16?

    For the information of the naive minority, September 16 is the day touted by Anwar that the BN government of Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will fall and the Pakatan Rakyat coalition which he leads will form the new federal government. If there is a new government by September 16, so be it. Or if the same one is still in power on Sept 16, so be it too!

    It’s also important that we get on the right side of history. Malaysia was established on September 16, 1963 while Malaya obtained her independence from Britain on August 31, 1957. So let’s get that one correct! Meanwhile, Sarawakians and Sabahans can continue to bask in the attention given by the centre.



  15. assalamualaikum

    tension??? stress?? do you ever face this problems??

    i think yes, because as a student i have a lot of work to do sometimes it make me sick. so i have refer to the article in the internet on how to handle your stress and now i will share with all of you guys...

    Here are 7 tips that can help you right away:

    1) Don’t just sit there. Move! According to many psychologists, motion creates emotion. You might notice that when you are idle, it’s easier to become depressed. Your heart rate slows down, less oxygen travels to your brain, and you are slumped somewhere in a chair blocking air from reaching your lungs.

    I challenge you right now, regardless of how you are feeling, to get up and walk around at a fast tempo. Maybe you might want to go to an empty room and jump up and down a little bit. It may sound silly but the results speak for themselves. Try it now for a few minutes. It works like magic.

    2) Smell the roses. How do you smell the roses? How about investing some money to go on that one trip you’ve been dreaming about? Visit a country with lots of exotic places to jolt your imagination and spur your creativity. You need to detach from your daily activities and venture a little bit.

    3) Get some company. If you’re like me, you have many acquaintances, but you only have a few true friends. This isn’t because I’m introverted. It is because I’m very selective about who I let enter my territory. I have worked too hard to build my house—my dream—and I won’t let anyone destroy it for me in the blink of an eye.

    When you’re feeling down, call your true friends and share what it is that you’re going through. Ask for their advice or input. While their advice or suggestions may be helpful, often you’ll find that simply verbalizing your problems will help you feel better.

    4) Help others cope with their problems. It is very therapeutic when you engross yourself in helping others. You will be surprised how many people’s problems are worse than those you may be facing. You can offer others assistance in countless ways. Don’t curl up in your bed and let depression and stress take hold of you.

    Get out and help somebody. There are many charitable organizations that can use your help right now. My dear cousin Barbara reads to the blind. Call the National Federation of the Blind so that they can tell you how to get involved.

    5) Laugh a little. By now you’ve heard that laughter is a good internal medicine. It relieves tension and loosens the muscles. It causes blood to flow to the heart and brain. More importantly, laughter releases a chemical that rids the body of pains.

    Every day, researchers discover new benefits of laughter. Let me ask you this question: “Can you use a good dose of belly-shaking laughter every now and then?” Of course you can. What you are waiting for? Go a comedy club or rent some funny movies.

    6) Visit third world countries. Nothing is more humbling than to visit a poor country and see first hand what other human beings go through just to survive. Most people who have taken such trips come back with a deep and profound sense of gratitude and appreciation.

    They realize how much they’ve taken for granted without ever realizing it. I encourage you to travel whenever you can afford to do so. You’re not too busy. Do it for you. Your life will never be the same.

    7) Wear your knees uut. If there were one sustainable remedy I could offer you when the going gets tough, it would be prayer. Many people, depending on their faith, might call it meditation. It doesn’t matter to me what you call it, as long as you have a place to run to.

  16. assalamualaikum
    I really wait to watch this movie
    It's title is "monster vs alien"..
    although that i didn't watch it yet but I think this film will get a box office hit...
    I will tell the synopsis of this film...
    MONSTERS VS. ALIENS combines
    B-movie nostalgia with futuristic
    technology to create a 3-D animated adventure
    for the whole family. When an alien
    attacks the earth, the monsters must
    step up and become heroes to rescue

  17. Hi everyone,
    Did you ever laught?of course right...If a person never laugh in his/her lifetime, we can says that he/she is an abnormal person. Some of researchers said that it is very true that laughter has a lot of benefits on our mind and even on our body. Even if it is a reaction which is regulated by the brain, our body needs laughter as much as our mind does!
    So, we should start laughing much more because laughter reduces pain by releasing some hormones that are responsible with happiness; dissolves stress, anxiety, irritation and depression and with these effects our problems will be fewer; it boosts the immune system.Laughter is even equivalent to a small exercise because our muscles are moving, and when we are laughing out loud our brain sends signals to our body so that we'll move our hands and legs.
    Besides those above, there are some medical benefits that are used nowadays in hospitals in special rooms where people are watching or listening to funny things, so that they will forget for a short period of time about the pain. The most important branch of medicine where laughter is practiced is oncology, where patients are treated with laughter.
    So, laughter makes our life easier and can keep us fit and it helps us to forget about the pain. But not only that it makes us see things differently but it adds spice to life; it is to life what salt is to a hard-boiled egg.

    lyntia ping jawa

  18. Finding Nemo-Disney Graphic Novel

    In the colourful and warm tropical waters of the Great Barrier Reef, a Clownfish named Marlin lives safe and secluded in a quite cul-de-sac with his only son, Nemo. Fearful of the ocean and its unpredictable risks, Marlin struggles to protect Nemo, like all young fish, is eager to explore the mysterious reef. However, when Nemo is unexpectedly taken far from home and thrust into a dentist’s office fish tank, Marlin finds himself embarking on a dangerous journey to rescue Nemo. At the same time, Nemo also hatches some plans by his own to return safely home. At last, Marlin and Nemo reunite and they return home safely.

    A Bug’s Life-Disney Graphic Novel

    Life is no picnic for the ants on Ant Island. Each summer, a gang of greedy grasshoppers which led by the menacing and manipulative Hopper, descend upon the colony to demand a holly portion of the ants’ hard-earned harvest and generally make life miserable for this peaceful community. Fik, an original thinker out of step with the rest of the colony, takes it upon himself to get help from outside. Unfortunately, he mistakenly recruits an unemployed troupe of bug performers from a second-rate flea circus to join the fight against the grasshoppers. When Fik’s plan starts to unravel, however, the action and comedy starts to turn fast and furious as he attempts to save the colony and also his reputation.

    The Art of Public Speaking, 2001

    It tells how to give an effective speech. First thing you need to do is select a topic that you know or you want to know about as motivation of your interest topic. You can try brainstorming if you’re not able to select a topic or make a list and choose the best one. You need to consider the purposes of the topic as well to help you to focus on your topic. Then, you can embark on the research process by conducting a library research, surfing the internet and interviewing the right people. The search can be further supported by examples and statistics and remember to identify the source to show its credibility. You should also explain it to the audience and make it meaningful to them. Don’t use too much statistics as it can bore the audience to death.

    How Safe Are You At Home? by Paula Kennedy, CLEO January 2009

    This article gives some tips about safety consciousness at home as many crimes happen nowadays. There are plenty of things you can do to try to minimize the opportunity of entering your home. The first thing is always lock the doors and windows, then put valuables out of sight. Home safety is all about reducing motivation and opportunity for offenders to commit crime. Next, put emergency numbers on speed dial. Besides that, never make safety presumptions. You should also give your good friend the spare key so that you’re not risking someone seeing where you stash the spare one. Please avoid confronting an intruder and don’t forget to install locks on your mailbox. Other than that, watch when you do laundry and edit your facebook content to keep security even on the internet. Don’t give out too much personal information. The last rule is don’t let strangers in.

    The Incredibles-Disney Novel Graphic

    Mr. incredible is a superhero or rather, he used to be one until a surge of lawsuits against superheroes from the people they’ve saved forced the government to hide them in witness protection programs so they could lead normal, anonymous lives. Now known exclusively by his secret identity, Bob Parr, he lives with his wife Helen, formerly Elastigirl, and their three children Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack. Fed up with his job as an insurance salesman and his pushy boss, Mr. Incredible jumps at the chance to play the role of hero again when tempted by a mysterious informant but it soon becomes apparent that it was a trap set up by an old nemesis and the rest of the Parr family must reveal themselves to save Mr. Incredible and countless innocents.

  19. Hello Miss Syafawati and friends..

    Are you in a good mood today, aren't you? Actually I would like to share with you the secrets of colours. For your information, the different colors can affect your mood.

    Why are people more relaxed in green rooms? Why do weightlifters do their best in blue gyms? The following is the explanations of colour psychology for each of colours.


    Black is the color of authority and power. It is popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner. It is also stylish and timeless. Black also implies submission. Priests wear black to signify submission to God. Some fashion experts say a woman wearing black implies submission to men. Black outfits can also be overpowering, or make the wearer seem aloof or evil. Villains, such as Dracula, often wear black.


    Brides wear white to symbolize innocence and purity. White reflects light and is considered a summer color. White is popular in decorating and in fashion because it is light, neutral, and goes with everything. However, white shows dirt and is therefore more difficult to keep clean than other colors. Doctors and nurses wear white to imply sterility.


    The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. It is also the color of love. Red clothing gets noticed and makes the wearer appear heavier. Since it is an extreme color, red clothing might not help people in negotiations or confrontations. Red cars are popular targets for thieves. In decorating, red is usually used as an accent. Decorators say that red furniture should be perfect since it will attract attention.

    The most romantic color, pink, is more tranquilizing. Sports teams sometimes paint the locker rooms used by opposing teams bright pink so their opponents will lose energy.


    The color of the sky and the ocean, blue is one of the most popular colors. It causes the opposite reaction as red. Peaceful, tranquil blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms. Blue can also be cold and depressing. Fashion consultants recommend wearing blue to job interviews because it symbolizes loyalty. People are more productive in blue rooms. Studies show weightlifters are able to handle heavier weights in blue gyms.


    Currently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. It is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision. It is a calming, refreshing color. People waiting to appear on TV sit in "green rooms" to relax. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients. Brides in the Middle Ages wore green to symbolize fertility. Dark green is masculine, conservative, and implies wealth. However, seamstresses often refuse to use green thread on the eve of a fashion show for fear it will bring bad luck.


    Cheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter. While it is considered an optimistic color, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms, and babies will cry more. It is the most difficult color for the eye to take in, so it can be overpowering if overused. Yellow enhances concentration, hence its use for legal pads. It also speeds metabolism.


    The color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. It is also feminine and romantic. However, because it is rare in nature, purple can appear artificial.


    Solid, reliable brown is the color of earth and is abundant in nature. Light brown implies genuineness while dark brown is similar to wood or leather. Brown can also be sad and wistful. Men are more apt to say brown is one of their favorite colors.

    That's all for today. Thank you.


  20. Assalamualaikum and hello to miss syafawati and friends.

    Today I want to share about the article of Sepang circuit. The history about it. The Merdeka Millennium Endurance (MME), the brainchild of the Sepang International Circuit Chairman, is one of the premier local Malaysian events with strong international recognitions. It has made its mark in the national’s motorsports history by being the first 12-hour endurance race organised and promoted by locals.
    For the local motorsports enthusiasts, the MME is much awaited for every year since 2000. The 12 – hour endurance will definitely put the drivers’ skill, teams’ management and the machines to the limits. The team will have three drivers who will race for at least 70 minutes being before allowed to switch.
    MME has been regarded as catalysts to the national motorsports development. Here, the competition is fierce and indirectly will produce racers, team managers and crew with world standard.
    In the year 2000, there were 55 teams competed in MME. The response from the public were very encouraging because apart from celebrating our independence day at Dataran Merdeka or entertainment outlet, Malaysians now have another reason and new place to celebrate independence day which at Sepang International Circuit experiencing the exciting and action packed 12 hours race.
    And now Sepang circuit is one of the famoust place in Malaysia and people from the outside also know about it.
    Thank you.


  21. Assalamualikum...
    this is some facts about Donald Trump that I want to share with all of you..
    Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American business magnate, socialite, television personality, and author. He is the Chairman and CEO of the Trump Organization, a US-based real-estate developer. Trump is also the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts, which operates numerous casinos and hotels across the world. Trump's extravagant lifestyle and outspoken manner have made him a celebrity for years, a status amplified by the success of his NBC reality show, The Apprentice (where he serves as host and executive producer).
    Donald was the fourth of five children of Fred Trump, a wealthy real estate developer based in New York City. Donald was strongly influenced by his father in his eventual goals to make a career in real estate development,[2] and upon his graduation from Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1968, Donald Trump joined his father's company, The Trump Organization.
    Starting with the renovation of the Commodore Hotel into the Grand Hyatt with the Pritzker family, he continued with Trump Tower in New York City and several other residential projects. Trump would later expand into the airline industry (buying the Eastern Shuttle routes),[3] and Atlantic City casino business, including buying the Taj Mahal Casino from the Crosby family, then taking it into bankruptcy. This expansion, both personal and business, led to mounting debt.[4] Much of the news about him in the early 1990s involved his much publicized financial problems, creditor-led bailout, extramarital affair with Marla Maples, and the resulting divorce from his first wife, Ivana Trump.
    The late 1990s saw a resurgence in his financial situation and fame. In 2001, he completed Trump World Tower, a 72-story residential tower across from the United Nations Headquarters.[5] Also, he began construction on Trump Place, a multi-building development along the Hudson River. Trump owns commercial space in Trump International Hotel and Tower, a 44-story mixed-use (hotel and condominium) tower on Columbus Circle. Trump currently owns several million square feet of prime Manhattan real estate,[6] and remains a major figure in the field of real estate in the United States and a celebrity for his prominent media exposures.
    .::Nadia Ashikin binti Zainal Bahri::.

  22. Assalamualaikum..

    I just read an article about a father who hammered her daughter cellphone because the mothly phone bill are at the unbelievable amount.

    Dad hammers Wyo. teen's phone after mega-bill

    CHEYENNE — In one month, a Cheyenne teenager sent 10,000 text messages and received about the same — all while her family's plan did not include texting. That means the family's provider — Verizon — charged them for each incoming and outgoing text message. The girl's parents, Gregg and Jaylene Christoffersen, thought texting had been disabled, so one can imagine their surprise when they got the monthly phone bill and it asked for $4,756.25. "It just hit us like a rock, like you're stepping into a bus," Gregg Christoffersen said. The bill was legit.
    Dena Christoffersen, 13, had apparently been sending most of these messages at school. That's more than 300 texts within an eight-hour period every day for the whole month. Needless to say, it drew attention away from what she should have been doing: paying attention in class. "She went from A's and B's one semester to F's in two months," Dena's dad said. Hours after the enormous bill arrived, Gregg Christoffersen took a hammer to his daughter's phone. He and Jaylene also grounded Dena until the end of school. "I felt really bad, and I have learned my lesson," Dena said, with her head down. Since she lost her phone, Dena's grades have gone up, and the texting is down to zero. As for the phone bill, the family says Verizon has been willing to knock it down to a reasonable level. The Christoffersens are asking school administrators at Johnson Junior High School to crack down on cellphone use during school.

    Shafiah Bt Abdul Rahim
    Section A14

  23. what is high dynamic range image? This is what i know, and i want to share it with all of you.In image processing, computer graphics, and photography, high dynamic range imaging (HDRI or just HDR) is a set of techniques that allows a greater dynamic range of exposures (the range of values between light and dark areas) than normal digital imaging techniques. The intention of HDRI is to accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes ranging from direct sunlight to shadows.

    High Dynamic Range Imaging was originally developed in the 1930s and 1940s by Charles Wyckoff. Wyckoff's detailed pictures of nuclear explosions appeared on the cover of Life magazine in the mid 1940s. The process of tone mapping together with bracketed exposures of normal digital images, giving the end result a high, often exaggerated dynamic range, was first reported in 1993[1], and resulted in a mathematical theory of differently exposed pictures of the same subject matter that was published in 1995[2]. In 1997 this technique of combining several differently exposed images to produce a single HDR image was presented to the computer graphics community by Paul Debevec.

    This method was developed to produce a high dynamic range image from a set of photographs taken with a range of exposures. With the rising popularity of digital cameras and easy-to-use desktop software, the term HDR is now popularly used[3] to refer to this process. This composite technique is different from (and may be of lesser or greater quality than) the production of an image from a single exposure of a sensor that has a native high dynamic range. Tone mapping is also used to display HDR images on devices with a low native dynamic range, such as a computer screen.

  24. Assalamualaikum and greetings to all..
    The book that i have read with the title is 'With Or Without you'.

    Lyssa Alien was very frustrated when her boyfriend, Jake was made a decision to break off their relationship after he knews that Lyssa was pregnant his child.
    Then, Lyssa trying to find the calmness with spend their leisure time with her beloved sister,Edie, a mother who have six children and her collegue.
    But when her employer told to Lyssa that her office was changed. For Lyssa it was too much.
    She made a decision to resign and go to the Nepal to start a new life.
    At there,not just what she dreamed she got it,even he was found a man who very handsome!

    Nurul Hidayah bt Kadzim

  25. Hello everyone...

    Today, I am going to teach you how to smart shop. How many times do you open your newspaper and you find all these publications, see all these publications? You know what we’re in a consumer’s marker that’s where the department stores, boutiques, design shops, everybody wants you to come and shop from them but guess what? How do you know where to go shop and you don’t want to spend a ton of money? Well let me tell you a good way to shop are looking at these, look at what is going on, look at all the different types of sales that are going on, extremely important with clothing.

    Next look in magazines, remember that style we were developing? That’s what you need to see what is out there, smart shopping, other places just smart shop there are a lot of stores out there that have a rewards programs, it’s not a credit card, it’s a ward program that they send you in the mail coupons only you know about and other people that are on the rewards program you get coupons, you can go in and buy clothes, there are many shops and department stores that do that now.

    Also do you remember when we mixed, matched and made outfit options? Did you have some clothes in your closet that you had absolutely nothing to go with? That starts your outfit option shopping list, so let’s say we have a top that we have absolutely nothing to go with, you would write it down on an outfit option worksheet and that would be your shopping list you would take to the department store because you’re not nonsense buying.

    Smart shopping knows what you’re going to buy that works back into your closet, which is very important. Now if you see something that’s a little expensive what you need to do is do a return on investment shopping, what that means is how much are you going to be wearing that pair of pants? How much are you going to be wearing that top? What you need to do is take the amount of the price of the top or the dress or the shorts or whatever category clothing it is divide it by the number of amount of times that you’re going to wear it, that’s how much it’s really going to cost each time you wear it and then it also works back in your closet with everything else that you have.

    So when you smart shop look at deals that are going wrong, sign up for those rewards program, do your outfit options, what do you need in your closet and have everything work back in the closet, wanted buy will give you it is always fun to nonsense shop, buy something that you don’t need, still spoil yourself and do that every once in a while but don’t dominate you clothes shopping to do that.


  26. Assalamualaikum and a very goood afternoon...

    Today I would like to share some knowledge about 'twin' because I have a twin, so, I want to know how this twin phenomena can happened.

    Twins are two offspring resulting from the same pregnancy, usually born in close succession. They can be the same or different sex. Twins can either be monozygotic (MZ, colloquially "identical") or dizygotic (DZ, colloquially "fraternal" or "non-identical").

    There are five common variations of twinning. The three most common variations are all dizygotic:
    a) Male–female twins are the most common result, 50 percent of DZ twins and the most common grouping of twins.
    b) Female DZ twins (sometimes called sororal twins)
    c) Male DZ twins

    The other two variations are monozygotic twins:
    a) Female MZ twins
    b) Male MZ twins (least common)

    Dizygotic twins (commonly known as fraternal twins, but also referred to as non-identical twins) usually occur when two fertilized eggs are implanted in the uterine wall at the same time. When two eggs are independently fertilized by two different sperm cells, DZ twins result. The two eggs, form two zygotes, hence the terms dizygotic.

    Dizygotic twins, like any other siblings, have an extremely small chance of having the same chromosome profile. Like any other siblings, DZ twins may look similar, particularly given that they are the same age. However, DZ twins may also look very different from each other. They may be of different sexes or the same sex. The same holds true for brothers and sisters from the same parents, meaning that DZ twins are simply brothers and/or sisters who happen to have the same age.

    Monozygotic twins, frequently referred to as identical twins, occur when a single egg is fertilized to form one zygote (monozygotic) which then divides into two separate embryos.The division of the developing zygote into 2 embryos occurs within 8 days of fertilization 99% of the time.This results in monozygotic twin. Monozygotic twins are the same sex and their traits and physical appearances are very similar but not exactly the same; although they have nearly identical DNA, environmental conditions both inside the womb and throughout their lives influence the switching on and off of various genes. The two embryos develop into fetuses sharing the same womb. When one egg is fertilized by one sperm cell, and then divides and separates, two identical cells will result. If the zygote splits very early (in the first two days after fertilization), each cell may develop separately its own placenta (chorion) and its own sac (amnion). These are called dichorionic diamniotic (di/di) twins, which occurs 18–36% of the time. Most of the time in MZ twins the zygote will split after two days, resulting in a shared placenta, but two separate sacs. These are called monochorionic diamniotic (mono/di) twins, occurring 60–70% of the time.

    After reading the information above, I can say that my twin and I are dizygotic twins because we are totally different like our face and other physical appearance although we are the same sex.


  27. Assalamualaikum...
    Have a nice day... Now I want to share about Health Transformation.
    The Five Habits of Health Transformation, explores each of the five habits in detail, explaining why they work and how to take advantage of them starting right now. You'll learn where to stop wasting your time focusing on all the wrong strategies and, instead, you'll finally have a roadmap that busy people can use to achieve phenomenal health results in the least amount of time.
    In fact, this entire study really comes down to one thing: Health habits for busy people. Because a lot of the popular health information in the media just isn't practical. Who has time to exercise three hours a day? Who has the determination to buy everything organic? Who really has the discipline to avoid all added sugars? Very few people, it turns out. Thank goodness there are better strategies that actually work (and yet are doable by even super-busy people).
     Powerful health transformation strategies that is free of charge and available to everyone right now!
     How these five strategies literally replace over two dozen prescription drugs... and why Big Pharmacy hopes you NEVER learn this!
     How one of the most powerful healing strategies of all takes only 5-10 minutes a day and costs NOTHING.
     Down-to-earth strategies for taking charge of your health destiny, thumbing your nose at the naysayers, and totally transforming your health one day at a time... with truly stunning results!
     The truth of how most people have their health priorities backwards and end up spinning their wheels, focusing on the wrong actions.
     Why certain corporations have been telling you lie about health strategy #1 (hint: it makes their expensive, overpriced products irrelevant, but saves you a bundle!).
     Revealed: the truth about exercise. Yes, it's great for you, but you don't need nearly as much as some health experts demand...
     Why and how these strategies will enhance your energy, boost immune system function, prevent over a dozen chronic diseases and actually help REVERSE many chronic disorders.
     How to use one of these five strategies to rebuild the healthy nervous system you deserve (your memory, cognitive function, moods and learning abilities will skyrocket!).


  28. Assalamualaikum to all my friends and my teacher
    Have a good day..

    This story this time is different from the other story that I already posted.Why I said that? This is because, I want to tell you about how way to build the “HAPPY HOME.” So, I believe that, everyone in this world have a dream to have a happy family at theirs home. Actually, for my opinion, it is not difficult to build the happy home . A happy home is never an accident. Someone always has to pay the price, not only in money, but also in the deeper realities of life. But a happy home is worth whatever it may cost. Fortunately it is not a question of money. People who are very poor in this world''s goods may be so happy that their joy exceeds anything that money can buy.There are others who have all the world can offer and yet utterly miserable. Happiness does not depend upon the amount of money one possesses, but rather on a wholesome personality and outlook on life.

    To build a happy home, both parents must be prepared to get along well with each other. Their perosnalities must blend together. Each must respect the rights of other, and both must be prepared to work out their problems without quarrelling. Neither parent can expect to be right all the time. Each must be willing to give in to the other for the good of all in the home. Defects in one''s own disposition or habits may have to be corrected in order to build a successfull and well adjusted family relationship. Both parents need to remember that the little joys, kindnessses and happy surprises really make life worth while. So, happy home come from happy family.

    Halimatul Syahida binti Mohamad Sanusi

  29. Assalamualaikum and very good morning to Miss Syafawati and my friends.
    Today I would like to share my feelings for the news that state “Michael Jackson converts to Islam and changed his name to Mikaeel.”
    I am feeling glad because he added the numbers of our member. In fact, he got the ‘hidayah’ from Allah. By how..?? to know more, lets read my entry..hehe =)
    He as a singer, who was raised as a Jehovah's Witness, converted to Islam in a ceremony at a friend's house in Los Angeles. He is said to have sat on the floor and worn a small hat while an imam officiated. According to The Sun (one of the newspaper’s company), the ceremony took place while Jackson, 50, was recording an album at the home of Steve Porcaro, a keyboard player who composed music on his Thriller album.
    The former Jackson 5 star was counseled by David Wharnsby, a Canadian songwriter, and Phillip Bubal, a producer, who have both converted. A source said Jackson had appeared a "bit down" and added: "They began talking to him about their beliefs, and how they thought they had become better people after they converted. Michael soon began warming to the idea.
    An imam was summoned from the mosque and Michael went through the shahada, which is the Muslim declaration of belief. Last year his brother, Jermaine Friday, suggested Jackson would convert having taken an interest in Islam since Friday's conversion in 1989.
    When Friday came back from Mecca, he brought a lot of books for Jackson. Jackson asked him lots of things about his religion and Friday told him that it's peaceful and beautiful. Jackson read everything and he was proud of his brother. Jackson found something that would give him inner strength and peace. I think it is most probable that he will convert to Islam. He could do so much, just like his brother trying to do.
    “Michael and I and the word of God, we could do so much." Said Friday.
    Let’s us pray for them..May Allah bless them and their family.


  30. Assalamualaikum and good morning to all..
    I want to share about "things to do in a job interview". It is good for us because after we graduate we will find a job and we have to interview first. So, enjoy reading!
    Everyone who plans to apply for a job always undergoes some form of job interview. We are asked several questions that will test our technical qualifications and overall preparedness for the job. We sweat from thinking of the right answer because one mistake may lose our grips from the job at hand. We might not have the chance to get the job that we are applying for.

    It is always important to stay calm so that you can think clearly and be able to engage in a smart talk with the interviewer. Here are some tried and tested tips for you when sitting on that interview chair.

    First thing to do is know the type of interview that you are going to undergo. There are many types, like a screening interview, behavioral interview, stress interview or team interview.

    The screening interview is usually done by the human resource department of the company. This is called the preliminary round. Key persons from the company will usually ask about the qualification of the applicant, number of experience and all other basic information. Screening interview is usually just a phone call. But at other times, it requires a personal visit to their office already.

    The behavioral interview is intended to dig how the applicant would react in a certain situation. The answers to theoretical situational questions will gauge the personality, attitude and optimism of the interviewee.

    The stress interview is like a form of interrogation. It aims to see if the applicant can get easily confused, fearful or even defensive. If the applicant remains calm in the whole interview, he surely can win the interview round.

    The team interview is also called the panel interview. This happens when the company you are applying for has multiple bosses. This means that you are applying for a company who has lots of department and the entire department should have a say to the applicants. One advantage for team interview is the answer of the applicant can not only be evaluated by one. This means the applicant can have a majority vote in one time.

    If you know what kind of interview you are going to undergo, you can prepare yourself better. On the phone interview are easy to handle for most applicants. This is because the applicant would not have to dress formally and would not have to worry about their facial expression. If you go for a phone interview, just make an impression out of your voice. You must be able to impress your employers by your voice.

    Be on time to the place where you are going to have your interview. If you get a second interview call, appreciate yourself because you have a 50% chance for the job you are applying.

    Review your first interviews performance. Learn from your mistakes and improve yourself. If you are going for a second interview, do not forget to equip yourself with helpful knowledge like the company background and the position you are applying for.

    Remember that second interview requires more preparation, more intensity and more pressure so prepare more. Ask for itinerary for your second interview. Get a nice good night rest the night before your interview. If you can bring your pocket snack on the day of your interview, it would be much better because you might have a long day of interview.

    Do not oblige yourself to accept the job right away if you are offered the position on the spot. Do not succumb to the pressure. Give it time to think about their offer. Make negotiations in a polite way if you are not satisfied with their offered compensation. Believe in your capabilities and what you are worth.
    That's all. Thank you.


  31. Hi again..

    This time, I would like to share some tips about body-building.'s not for me, of course!
    I once remember one of my friend said that her boyfrien really tries hard to get the muscles he reely desires. As a result, he has musled arms. are some tips that I think is qutie useful for those who wants to regain muscled arms and abs. It's from the article that I've read.
    1.) Eat at regular intervals: One of the main things you need to bear in mind as a body builder is that your muscles need to be fed constantly throughout the day. The best way to do this is by eating healthy liquid as well as solid meals 6 to 7 times a day or once every two to three hours. Eating at regular intervals will benefit you in two major ways. Firstly it will ensure that your blood sugar remains stable and that your energy and metabolism are at the maximum. Secondly it will ensure that your muscles are well fed throughout the day helping you gain muscles at a quicker pace.
    2.) Ensure that your body is getting the right amount of protein: Proteins contain amino acids that are the building blocks of all muscle tissues in your body. Therefore it becomes imperative that you eat a diet that can offer you the right amount of protein.
    3.) Don’t forget the vegetables: Eat a diet rich in green leafy vegetables like broccoli, lettuce and green beans. This will not only ensure that your body absorbs the protein you ingest but also increase your body’s metabolic rate as the body now has to work extra hard to process the vegetables. It is recommended though that you lower your vegetable intake during post workout meals as vegetables can slow down the absorption of nutrients
    4.) Keep yourself hydrated at all times: We all know that this is easier said than done. Many first time body builders simply do not hydrate their body enough and hence suffer from fatigue and dehydration during workouts. Water is essential for muscle building and fat loss.
    5.) Get proper sleep: It is during sleep that your body gets a chance to build itself and hence it is very important that your body gets the sleep it deserves after a day’s workout. Sleep at-least for eight hours a day. Try and maintain a regular sleep routine so that your body gets adapted to it. A regular sleep routine will ensure that you get deeper and better quality sleep that will give your body the much needed rest to recover and energize.
    6.) Practice Progressive Overload: As any gym instructor will tell you, the best way to develop muscles quicker is through progressive overload. This simply means constantly increasing the weight you lift or the reps you do in order to create a continual need for more muscle.
    7.) Nutritional supplements: Although bodybuilding supplements are not an absolute necessarily if you follow a proper weight gain diet they sure can help you gain weight and muscles at a much faster rate.
    8.) Take a break: Once you start building your body, skipping your workouts even for a single day can make you feel incomplete. But believe it or not, your body needs a break from the strenuous routine once in a while!

    So have fun and good luck with your body building! Body-buildin actually not just makes you looking good but also leads you to a healthier life. A healthy body leads to a healthy brain!

  32. Assalamualaikum and very good morning...

    Today, i spent all of my day surveying an internet to read an interesting article. Finally, i had found one article that give a few tips of how to successful during an interview.

    Now, i want to share it with you guys as a preparation if we want looking for a job even though we are in first year students.
    1) Before go to the interview, weed to prepared some information about the company that we apply
    2) Do some practice before go to interview. This steps need to practice in front of mirror. So that, we also can give a correct expression of face.
    3) Get an enough sleep to make sure our mind is ready to answer all the questions that will be ask by the interviewer.
    4) Come earlier to the place that we will be interview to get some time to relax before enter the interview room.
    5) Be relax, confident, and creatif when answer all the question.
    6) Say thank you when finish the interview..

    I hope we can get some knowledge and information from what have i share above..
    thank you...

